Members are now able to submit content to Canada Kicks Ass. You can help the sites collection of articles on various topics grow. Here are some guidlines to follow:
Articles must be copyright free. Written in your own words or from a copy right free resource. If you get permission from the original author this is ok, but you must state so.
Wikipedia is a valuable source for copyright free information.
Please check to see what is already in the content section, if a topics is already there and you would like to add to it, please contact us.
Please Spell check!!
Use of pictures is ok and encouraged, you can upload pictures through the interface.
Press the picture button to upload a picture.
All submissions will be reviewed before being posted.
If you are copying and pasting content from another webiste, be sure to press the "remove format" button to clean up the html code.
If your aticle has sub headings be sure to use the sites heading stlyes. The drop down list "Format" lists them.
Do not repeat the articles title in the Page Text box