�Canada ran away�: Online jihadists celebrate Trudeau�s win as they anticipate end to airstrikesMisc CDN | 207535 hits | Oct 30 10:28 am | Posted by: N_Fiddledog Commentsview comments in forum Page 1 2 You need to be a member of CKA and be logged into the site, to comment on news. |
Wow, has the National Post gotten that bad?
Actually that's interesting.
Matter of opinion, but here's mine.
As you know the NP used to be run by right winger Condrad Black. He sold it to PostMedia.
PostMedia hired a leftist as head editor and myself who was haunting NP for headlines at the time noticed a decided swing left. That guy liked himself some Ed Mulcair and the NP started to share his views in the day to day operation of the paper. I stopped going there.
But then came the election, and during the election Postmedia sent corporate guys down to their chain of peon publications to handle the endorsements. They, of course, liked the idea of a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' relationship with Conservatives so that's who their temp mouthpieces endorsed.
But the Progda editor thought he was in charge and would be praising Ed for the endorsement. That's not the way it works. He got butt-hurt and quit.
Now the editorial policy appears to have swung back to the right for the day to day, and I'm visiting them again.
Do you think it's sexist to call him "Justine" as an insult? Do you think women are inferior or soemting and that's why it's insulting?
I was hoping for Justin Trudon't
Wow, has the National Post gotten that bad?
Actually that's interesting.
Matter of opinion, but here's mine.
Now the editorial policy appears to have swung back to the right for the day to day, and I'm visiting them again.
Case in point then!
I always thought their reporting was biased, but not nearly as bad as The Sun properties. But now they have to use clickbait and spread ISIS propaganda along with 'scaring' the population with threats like " ISIS is still not likely to remove its ongoing focus from Canada." ?
Cheap. No wonder they are going out of business.
The Middle East Media Research Institute study said �known jihadists� and supporters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant were rejoicing at the election of a government committed to halting Canada�s involvement in the international air coalition.
�The reactions generally expressed joy and displayed a triumphalist outlook at this development, including statements such as �Canada runs away� and referring to it as �the crumbling of the Crusader alliance,�� said Elliot Zweig, the report�s author.
Because if it is, and I believe it is then the headline is also factual, and any objection would be more that the story is being told rather than it is being told inaccurately.
Do you think it's sexist to call him "Justine" as an insult? Do you think women are inferior or soemting and that's why it's insulting?
I was hoping for Justin Trudon't
That's much smarter
Who the hell is Ed?
Oh D'oh...got me.
Ed Broadbent. Thomas Mulcair.
PostMedia hired a leftist as head editor and myself who was haunting NP for headlines at the time noticed a decided swing left.
Left?? Left of who?