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Forum: Entertainment Topic: The Passion.......again? |
Ulidian |
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:09 am
Replies: 19 Views: 702
I didn't go to see the "Passion of the Gibson" for a number of reasons including I don't believe in guy's playing Jesus (The guy who did it in the passion was struck by lighting!!!). As for this whole anti-semitism thing?! I don't know why supposed Christians blame Jews for being "Christ killers", t... |
Forum: Rants & Raves Topic: A European view of Canada vs. the USA |
Ulidian |
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:37 am
Replies: 306 Views: 11895
If Canadians and Americans are the same then so are the English and the Scottish!!! So are the French and the Belgians!!! So are the Germans and the Austrians!!! So are the Australians and New Zealanders!!! So are the Spanish and the Portuguese!!! I could go on, but you get the point. Of course peop... |
Forum: Poems / Writings Topic: A little song what I didn't write |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:05 pm
Replies: 3 Views: 873
Bevis? This isn't a Bevis and Butthead song.... I'm positive it's Monty Python. Well if you watch Monty Python and the Phsyco Barber/Lumberjack sketch you'll see the the Lumberjack's (Michael Palin) girlfriend says "Ohh, Bevis! And I thought you were so RUGGED!", while she runs off weeping after th... |
Forum: Military & War Topic: Save the Scottish Regiments!!! |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:42 pm
Replies: 12 Views: 988
Tell me Ulidian, you seem like a level headed fellow but what exactly is your purpose in posting on these forums? I don't understand what you mean old chap!? :? :wink: :lol: A Forum: noun [C] 1 a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter especially of public interest: ... |
Forum: Entertainment Topic: Eurovision? |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:24 pm
Replies: 4 Views: 633
The Swiss can't make up their minds whether their German, French or Austrian anyway !
I was in France in 1998 during the World Cup, and I swear to God, Bridgett Bardot was in the charts!!!
Vive la Belle France!!! |
Forum: Entertainment Topic: Eurovision? |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 6:29 am
Replies: 4 Views: 633
Celine Dion ? I thought she was a Quebecois ? Well not that it matters she probably sang for France anyway!!! Lets face it they ain't exactly known for their musical ability.  |
Forum: Military & War Topic: Save the Scottish Regiments!!! |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:34 pm
Replies: 12 Views: 988
Forum: Entertainment Topic: Eurovision? |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:55 pm
Replies: 4 Views: 633
What is Eurovision you might ask!!! The Eurovision Song Contest, well it's a really bad cringeworthy song competition which most people in Europe watch for a laugh (Unless you live on mainland Europe and your names Jean-Luc from Paris who takes everything seriously). It has to be one of the worst mu... |
Forum: Entertainment Topic: The Office |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:32 pm
Replies: 1 Views: 284
It's based on a British comedy show of the same name (Only with less funny North American humer ). It was a laugh!
The Office |
Forum: International Politics Topic: Canada Annexed??? |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:08 pm
Replies: 301 Views: 7462
Sometimes equipment and technology don't mean shit! Look at Vietnam, America won every single battle, using supperior weapons, equipment and training, yet lost 50,000 young soldiers and the war. If the USA invaded Canada, heck anywhere, the people in the nation would rise up against it, and they wou... |
Forum: International Politics Topic: Help the people of Lebanon achieve freedom. |
Ulidian |
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:40 am
Replies: 1 Views: 296
:!: Hold on a minute, who exactly does the money go to? The anti-Syrian opposition, which has been in negociations with Hizbullah, the largest Islamist political movement in the middle-east. If Syria pulls out then the Hizbullah has the power to become a strong political forces in Lebanon, instead o... |
Forum: Jokes & Humour Topic: Joke of the Day!!!! |
Ulidian |
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:26 pm
Replies: 2300 Views: 75131
My Girlfriend told me this one...its sexist towards men...well actually its kind of true...
Q: Why are men such assholes?
A: Cause their obsessed with asses & holes!!! |
Forum: Military & War Topic: What is wrong with us???? |
Ulidian |
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:43 pm
Replies: 41 Views: 1597
Being an Ulsterman (Northern Irish) we have a long history of service in the British army and a noble tradition of service which has continued. I don't ever remember learning about much military history at school, apart from a breif overview of the Second World War. But it was mostly home taught pri... |
Forum: International Politics Topic: Irish terror groups 'to hit London' |
Ulidian |
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:02 pm
Replies: 6 Views: 474
No they arent the same race and origin. Ever hear of the Anglo-Saxons and Celts? Pics? I'm afraid its a little more complex than that. The peoples of the British isles, which includes Ireland, share a common ancient heritage which has had a greater influence on the genetic make-up of the differing ... |
Forum: International Politics Topic: Quick Guide to the British Election |
Ulidian |
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:31 pm
Replies: 3 Views: 422
Yes I suppose economically we're better off under Blair, however I still don't like him, his arrogance is beyond belief and he seems to treat people like they where baffoons, sort of like "I know whats best all the time". I suppose my dislike is somewhat personal, I'm Northern Irish so his policy in... |
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