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 Forum: Canadian Politics   Topic: would the coalition be undemocratic

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:46 pm 

Replies: 187
Views: 2232

I’m going to get comfortable and watch the fireworks for awhile. Unless Harper prorogue's parliament. Then we're stuck waiting until Jan 27... It looks like that’s the only way he could stop it now based on the latest newscasts. Of course if he does, that will again prove how stupid a decision he a...

 Forum: Canadian Politics   Topic: would the coalition be undemocratic

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:57 pm 

Replies: 187
Views: 2232

I voted Conservative. My choice won, and I was happy with the results. The people running the party aren’t ready for a majority government yet, and Harper only proved the point. The proposed coalition is a legitimate option in our form of government, and I doubt they’ll be any worse (or better) than...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Harper delays confidence vote

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:55 pm 

Replies: 60
Views: 861

You support giving incredible power to the separatists who want to destroy this country? You support a government in bed with the Bloc Quebecois? Like Mulroney did? Like Harper would if they'd let him? Harper had his head up his ass when he created this idiocy, and he's paid the price by having to ...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Stop anti-gay group from entering Canada: Vancouver NDP MP

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:58 pm 

Replies: 16
Views: 258

And them do the exact same thing with any of the disgusting Muslim assholes who behave in the exact same way. :evil: PDT_Armataz_01_37 That's the truth! Radical fundamentalism is disgusting no matter what religion you try to hide behind. Ban them from Canada. THey can say what htey want to say from...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Palin hits back at 'jerk' critics

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:41 pm 

Replies: 64
Views: 1141

Not that I was a fan of McCain, it was impossible to consider McCain as president without considering his age and his health issues. There would have been a very real possibility that Palin would have to assume the presidency at some point of his term. Between the guidance she receives from God on a...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: California on edge over gay marriage question

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:02 pm 

Replies: 277
Views: 4079

lily lily:
Everyone is abnormal in some way, poquas.

Some obviously more than others.

lily lily:
The rest of your post is your usual tripe.

Again with the familiarity? Just who do you think I am?

lily lily:
The same could be said for hetero marriage.

Tell me Lily, are you married? If so, to a man or woman?

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: California on edge over gay marriage question

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:48 pm 

Replies: 277
Views: 4079

feel so special that you decided to break your months of mere lurking by posting to me. I'm truly honoured. :?: I can't imagine who you think you're speaking to, but it might explain your comments. You appear to infer some form of superior knowledge immediately followed by putting your foot in your...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: California on edge over gay marriage question

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:09 am 

Replies: 277
Views: 4079

Why dont you read their posts and see if you can see how one would come to that conclusion. Defining someone as not 'Normal' or 'Instinctively Repugnant' is biggoted. I thought I explained my position quite clearly, WITHOUT resorting to childish names and charges. The terms I used are clinical fact...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: California on edge over gay marriage question

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:31 am 

Replies: 277
Views: 4079

Simple experiment: copy ANY argument against SSM and paste it into Word. Find and replace "same sex" or "homosexual" (whatever is used in it) with the word JEW. BLACK, MUSLIM or INTER-RACIAL. Read the argument again. If you still fail to see the inherent bigotry in the argument,...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: California on edge over gay marriage question

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:12 am 

Replies: 277
Views: 4079

You know whats funny African americans in California voted 70% to ban gay marriage. And because of the high turn out for Blacks it passed. So i geuss the liberals cant have their cake and eat it too. So much for reasoned debate. :roll: Here's the clearest characterization of bigotry I've seen yet.

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: California on edge over gay marriage question

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:09 am 

Replies: 277
Views: 4079

Why doesnt everyone, who is against SSM, admit that they are all just homophobic. And it was a 52% vote in California against SSM...not a large margin by far. And CKA welcomes yet another biggoted newbie...jesus they are coming out of the woodwork this week :roll: First of all, how about a definiti...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: California on edge over gay marriage question

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:50 am 

Replies: 277
Views: 4079

lily isn't pissed at all. It's not my fault no-one can give a good reason to vote against this, other than, "I just don't like it". Why does anyone have to please you with a "reason" you'll accept? Homosexuality is representative in something less than two percent of the human p...
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