Politics and satire mix as Sandra Bullock plays a strategist working to help a Bolivian presidential candidate win re-election despite his supreme unpopularity.
"BartSimpson" said capitalism is the crisis, it cannot be reformed and must be abolished.
i really think you it would do you a world of good to actually learn something about socialism instead of constantly referring to nonsensical platitudes mouthed by a dead capitalist troll whose own imperialist goals and racism were really not that much different from Hitler's.
Stop Kidding Yourself: The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People
Before the nineteenth century, there were no police forces that we would recognize as such anywhere in the world. In the Northern United States, there was a system of elected constables and sheriffs, much more responsible to the population in a very direct way than the police are today. In the South, the closest thing to a police force was the slave patrols. Then, as Northern cities grew and filled with mostly immigrant wage workers who were physically and socially separated from the ruling class, the wealthy elite who ran the various municipal governments hired hundreds and then thousands of armed men to impose order on the new working class neighborhoods.
Might be interesting for Political wonks.
He famously said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Reminds me of Rahm Emmanuel, Obama's former chief of staff and now mayor of the independent oligarchy of Chicago.
He famously said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Reminds me of Naomi Kleins' book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism".
Very much similar to that quote. Except that the book is based in reality, not a Hollywood movie.
capitalism is the crisis, it cannot be reformed and must be abolished.
capitalism is the crisis, it cannot be reformed and must be abolished.
I don't know, losing all your food to a Five-Year-Plan gone wrong sounds bad.
capitalism is the crisis, it cannot be reformed and must be abolished.
I don't know, losing all your food to a Five-Year-Plan gone wrong sounds bad.
who said anything about the Five Year Plan? that was capitalism parading as communism, i have no interest in that murderous crap.
capitalism is the crisis, it cannot be reformed and must be abolished.
i really think you it would do you a world of good to actually learn something about socialism instead of constantly referring to nonsensical platitudes mouthed by a dead capitalist troll whose own imperialist goals and racism were really not that much different from Hitler's.
"Put 5% of your pre-tax income into a variety of public and private investments or you're going to prison, mister!"
Besides the need to get elected twnds to attract uncontrollable clowns. See: Joe Arpaio