The German chancellor said the secrecy around the algorithms used by online platforms threatened open debate.
That's like asking Col. Sanders to reveal the secret recipe. If you have something that makes your product better at doing what it's supposed to do, how can they force you to reveal it? That's genuinely absurd. It's asking them to essentially give up their edge in search.
The German chancellor said the secrecy around the algorithms used by online platforms threatened open debate.
That's like asking Col. Sanders to reveal the secret recipe. If you have something that makes your product better at doing what it's supposed to do, how can they force you to reveal it? That's genuinely absurd. It's asking them to essentially give up their edge in search.
FACT: The size of the file that Facebook has on you is larger than the files the East German Stazi kept on its citizens, and it grows larger with every click you make.
Even when you delete people or comment or things from your facebook, those things aren't really deleted, they're just hidden from everyone including you but they are still on your profile so Facebook can still use the connections for analysis
I'd love to see a major hack of the German government, just to see why exactly they made that overnight shift on immigration from countries where the migrants who have no chance (or willingness) to fit into the existing European society were suddenly admitted in such huge numbers. With the amount of money that's being spent on housing and feeding them, and to investigate/prosecute the crimes they're merrily committing in Germany, there's no way that any future economic activity they generate in Europe will ever match the money that's being wasted on their welfare. So why exactly did the Germans do it? They know it's a complete wash economically. Is it, as many suspect, that their overwhelming subconscious guilt about World War Two that they've been brainwashed with for the last fifty years has led them to finally commit some kind of existential national suicide, with the immigration of what's essentially a horde of ignorant sub-civilized barbarians being the weapon with which they chose to do themselves in? Seriously, if they wanted a replacement people that were industrious and intelligent enough to be able to readily commit themselves to joining the German nation and create enough new economic activity to prop up welfare and pensions then they should have said that they'd want to take in a million immigrants from China as well as providing a home for any white South Africans who wanted to get the hell out of there before they're slaughtered wholesale. They're not going to get any of that kind of benefit from the dregs of Islam and Africa they've been admitting.
These are the kind of hacked e-mails I'd like to see, to openly expose if the highest ranks of an entire nation decided that their time on earth as a distinct people & culture had to finally come to an end, and that the process of erasing themselves from existence was going to be the last grand national "project" they were committing themselves to. There was a hell of a lot more that went into Merkel's thinking on this than future economic activity or even some kind of runaway pity for the downtrodden that got turned into an immigration policy disaster.
In general what Socialist democrat types do is they sell a thing as a public service then when they get control they decide who gets what. And the juicy stuff doesn't come to you and me.
Ever seen what comes back from one of those Freedom of Information requests to a government agency? Notice the black boxed redacted bits?
We really need some skilled nationalist hackers to start doing this. Anarchists from the far-left like Assange (pretending for a moment that Wikileaks isn't a Russian intelligence operation) are going to stick to the mundanity of trying to wreck the soft-center campaign of Clinton. They aren't interested at all in exposing governments, even if they call themselves centrists, that are controlled at the very top my cultural/neo-Marxist intellectuals. Allowing the (alleged) centrism of a mostly free market economy to exist is kind of chimera ("hey, we're still allowing you to keep 50% of your income!"), where the real transformation comes from boosting immigration of those who are simply not going to be assimilated and filling the education systems (both primary and secondary) with anti-nationalism and one-world globalist claptrap.
Expose the governments that are being guided by anti-European/anti-white mentalities as promulgated by the likes of Tim Wise, Barbara Lerner-Spectre, and Gregor Gysi. I bet the connections can be made all across what used to be the West, from the soft-left likes of the Canadian NDP/Liberals who absolutely hate our British/European heritage through to the anarcho-capitalist "conservatives" in the United States who would sell out anything and anyone in order to concentrate more money for themselves. This is where the old left/right spectrum has been burnt to the ground. Economics mean nothing anymore. It's all down to simple nationalism vs centralized globalism.
Someone on internet cracking dindu jokes or posting Pepe memes = next coming of Hitler
Oh, yeah....
That's like asking Col. Sanders to reveal the secret recipe. If you have something that makes your product better at doing what it's supposed to do, how can they force you to reveal it? That's genuinely absurd. It's asking them to essentially give up their edge in search.
That's like asking Col. Sanders to reveal the secret recipe. If you have something that makes your product better at doing what it's supposed to do, how can they force you to reveal it? That's genuinely absurd. It's asking them to essentially give up their edge in search.
A couple of high tech masterminds with a need to know.
Even when you delete people or comment or things from your facebook, those things aren't really deleted, they're just hidden from everyone including you but they are still on your profile so Facebook can still use the connections for analysis
Non-YouTube link here:
I believe she wants to know what Google knows. I don't believe she wants it public.
IF she finds it out it will soon become public knowledge. They won't protect that kind of stuff at all.
These are the kind of hacked e-mails I'd like to see, to openly expose if the highest ranks of an entire nation decided that their time on earth as a distinct people & culture had to finally come to an end, and that the process of erasing themselves from existence was going to be the last grand national "project" they were committing themselves to. There was a hell of a lot more that went into Merkel's thinking on this than future economic activity or even some kind of runaway pity for the downtrodden that got turned into an immigration policy disaster.
Ever seen what comes back from one of those Freedom of Information requests to a government agency? Notice the black boxed redacted bits?
Like that.
Expose the governments that are being guided by anti-European/anti-white mentalities as promulgated by the likes of Tim Wise, Barbara Lerner-Spectre, and Gregor Gysi. I bet the connections can be made all across what used to be the West, from the soft-left likes of the Canadian NDP/Liberals who absolutely hate our British/European heritage through to the anarcho-capitalist "conservatives" in the United States who would sell out anything and anyone in order to concentrate more money for themselves. This is where the old left/right spectrum has been burnt to the ground. Economics mean nothing anymore. It's all down to simple nationalism vs centralized globalism.