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 Forum: Current Events   Topic: U.S. to revive $5.50 tariff on Canadian travellers

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:29 pm 

Replies: 20
Views: 394

Just goes to show how broke the United States really is. Nothing like discouraging tourism by charging people to cross the border. I know exactly where I am NOT going on holidays. The states can kiss my frost-bitten ass and they should know that their American hunters are no longer welcome in Canad...

 Forum: CKA Online Games   Topic: CoD2 Modern warfare

 Post subject: Re: CoD2 Modern warfare
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:06 am 

Replies: 13
Views: 340

Anyone playing this online? It's a bit of a bitch to find a game where others are of a similar level if you're just starting out. Stick with the FAMAS for awhile. It's a one hit kill at most ranges but all bullets have to connect, and burst fire weapons tend to do poorly on bad connections, so hope...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Ottawa to tread carefully in War of 1812 commemorations

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:45 pm 

Replies: 81
Views: 1026

Worry not GT. I'm sure the Yank(s) in question couldn't name any battles of that war or any of the major players. Leave them in their ignorance. >implying knowing battles of a war fought 200 years ago is relevant to me calling someone a brown noser >implying you're not grasping at straws >...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Ottawa to tread carefully in War of 1812 commemorations

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:00 pm 

Replies: 81
Views: 1026

Worry not GT. I'm sure the Yank(s) in question couldn't name any battles of that war or any of the major players. Leave them in their ignorance. >implying knowing battles of a war fought 200 years ago is relevant to me calling someone a brown noser >implying you're not grasping at straws >...

 Forum: US Politics   Topic: Should America annex Canada? The unDead thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:50 pm 

Replies: 937
Views: 24134

GreenTiger GreenTiger:
I'm more in favour of Canada annexing the US, at least NJ, Hawaii would be nice.

Chagrin Chagrin:
GreenTiger GreenTiger:
I would be more interested if Canada were to annex the States.

Jesus bud, are you serious? What's your obsession with saying this? Why don't you move there already?

 Forum: US Politics   Topic: Should America annex Canada? The unDead thread

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:45 pm 

Replies: 937
Views: 24134

GreenTiger GreenTiger:
I would be more interested if Canada were to annex the States.

Jesus bud, are you serious? What's your obsession with saying this? Why don't you move there already?

 Forum: US Politics   Topic: Should America annex Canada? The unDead thread

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:44 am 

Replies: 937
Views: 24134

NiteLite131 NiteLite131:
Lol does canada even have an army?

Bad idea, bud. Be prepared to have a metric fuckton of Canadians on this board gangrape you for this comment.

 Forum: Rants & Raves   Topic: why does every american i've met hate Canada?????

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:34 am 

Replies: 193
Views: 5429

Brenda Brenda:
Chagrin Chagrin:
Actually Tony Slate necro'd it. :P

I know. You're not a n00bie anymore, are ya :lol:

It's true, I guess not. :)

 Forum: Rants & Raves   Topic: why does every american i've met hate Canada?????

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:16 am 

Replies: 193
Views: 5429

Actually Tony Slate necro'd it. :P

 Forum: Rants & Raves   Topic: why does every american i've met hate Canada?????

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:19 pm 

Replies: 193
Views: 5429

Holy fuck the people in this thread are mad... that Daryl guy trolled the shit out of you all.

 Forum: General Jibber Jabber   Topic: how to deal with an American

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:46 pm 

Replies: 75
Views: 1384

andyt andyt:
How to deal with an American? Same as any other lunatic - carefully.

>implying we're all lunatics
>implying what you said wasn't a huge generalization
>implying you're not an idiot for saying something so ridiculous

If it was a joke, good one. You got me. 8)

 Forum: General Jibber Jabber   Topic: how to deal with an American

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:41 am 

Replies: 75
Views: 1384

And yet you make this thread because you have an inferiority complex.

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: 4Chan users hunting for ID of girl in video throwing puppies

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:27 pm 

Replies: 72
Views: 689

You know, 4Chan gets a bad rep alot of the time. Honestly, it isn't as bad as some people say. I go there every day. The things posted make me laugh. The people there have a genuine sense of comraderie. Seriously, as a group they're pretty close. It makes me laugh like hell too. Sure, there is gore ...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: 4Chan users hunting for ID of girl in video throwing puppies

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:59 am 

Replies: 72
Views: 689

4channers, as evil as they can be by themselves, are the last group of people I'd ever want to fuck with. This little bitch who killed those pups is gonna really regret it once the channers find out who and where she is. This is very true. Threads are popping up all over 4Chan today about it; they ...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Japanese resort draws men with virtual girlfriends

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:13 pm 

Replies: 23
Views: 294

"The virtual girls can kiss you as a way of communication, but nothing happens when she sleeps next to you at the hotel," he said. "We have no intention of trying to sell a product with pornographic elements. least until teams of Japanese scientists figure out how to build a dec...
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