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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:04 pm

Just like alot of the Universities here, the left is ironically more closed minded on many issues than the right. I remember having profesors scream at me, from time to time, because I was not in line with their left agenda.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:15 pm

Unfortunately it doesn't surprise me that much. :?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:28 pm

The question is, when did this all change. And when did the left become more agressive like it is now?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:40 pm

And what about the Canuck who goes to the states hey? Two way street there rememver that.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:44 pm


And what about the Canuck who goes to the states hey? Two way street there rememver that.

True, it can go both ways. However, I think the US is one of the most accepting of imigrants, we are the melting pot. We are especially accepting of our Canadian brothers. Nobody cares if your from Canada here.

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:28 pm

Did you ever think that MAYBE, just maybe, Canadians would LIKE to be to be treated diferently them Americans? That's enough to breed anti-americanisim right there, Canadians are tired of being treated as "america jr." Being a melting pot isnt always a good thing for people who would rather remain diverse. Canada is an example... The mosiac. Tell me, what's more beautiful? A pristine and awe-inspiring mosiac, or a boiling pot of stew? :?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:29 pm

I really see nothing in that which goes above mild teasing. I work with a Kid whose Polish, we joke around with him about. Whenever I catch him slacking off I say "Stop being so lazy, thats why communism failed in poland" and we laugh.

"Whenever I do something (somewhat) belligerent or stupid," says Julia, "my friends are like, 'Oh, you're the American. That's all right.' When I signed my lease, it came up when I was talking to my landlord. She asked where we were all from. She said, 'If I'd known she was an American, I would have raised the rent.' "

Thats just ribbing.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:45 pm

If you were to wear a American flag in canada you would be treated alot more hostile than if a canada wore their flag here in the states its that simple. Simply because the US is #1 and the haters are always gonna hate on the top dog.

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:46 pm

Godz46 Godz46:
Did you ever think that MAYBE, just maybe, Canadians would LIKE to be to be treated diferently them Americans? That's enough to breed anti-americanisim right there, Canadians are tired of being treated as "america jr." Being a melting pot isnt always a good thing for people who would rather remain diverse. Canada is an example... The mosiac. Tell me, what's more beautiful? A pristine and awe-inspiring mosiac, or a boiling pot of stew?

What the fuck? Being treated differently than Americans so therefore you intimidate American students studying in Canada? What a crock of shit! Man is Canadian "Patriotism" getting more pathetic by the minute. Patriotism is generally pride in what your country IS. Not what your country is NOT.

What your country is NOT can be turned around into what your country IS, ergo your post is a waste of space and invalid.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:49 pm

Legion Legion:
If you were to wear a American flag in canada you would be treated alot more hostile than if a canada wore their flag here in the states its that simple. Simply because the US is #1 and the haters are always gonna hate on the top dog.

Haters hate whoever the world's biggest bully is. The US is not numero uno, that is what has been told to you by your corrupt government.Not to say that our government is innocent, it's far from it. But the USA is hated for its policies and actions, not because it is #1.(Which by the way, it is not.)

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