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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:33 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Fighter Fighter:
That thread can easily piss off Muslims...It pissed off me.

Good. Then start working to convince your fellow Muslims to stop doing the things that get reported in that thread.

Trust me, all of us who post in that topic look forward to a day when there's nothing to post.


hmm...I don't believe this.

The comments I saw in that thread doesn't appear to have problem with criminals or perpetrators....The focus/target is Islam and common Muslims not crime.

All one needs to do is to go by few pages and one will sort out the agenda of OP and posters of that thread.

I know Right wingers have problem with Islam and that problem/hate emerges after any incident...They see Islam as threat to their Christianity. Old grudge, probably.

A lot of interest groups are working to enhance and carry their agenda under guise of events :)

llama66 llama66:
I will also point out, there is latent xenophobia in Canada, case in point, Bart's treatment by some after he said he voted for Trump.

Generally, there is a distrust of what we don't understand. Some try to educate themselves, some don't. As an emotional species, sometimes we act out on how we fell-- to disastrous result. Not at all excusing the actions of the person. Houses of worship are supposed to be sacred.

I understand what you're saying.

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Fighter Fighter:
This site is Canadian and has majority Canadian may be he was lurking at this site/that particular thread for quite a time.

Anything is possible, but we just aren't that popular. As much as we like to think we should be, however. :)

But you are right that that thread, and others like it, have an influence on people who read it. As my grandmother, who had numbers tattooed on her forearm would say, "Hate travels on little mouse feet".


I hope you guys sweep and leave behind any other social platform in Canada


I am sorry but I didn't get it...What does this mean? and what it has connection with tattoos?

"Hate travels on little mouse feet"

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:36 pm

Freakinoldguy Freakinoldguy:
Sorry folks but all this pyscho babble and family apologies mean nothing. Poor little Alexandre "is" a monster who's nuttier than a 10 pound squirrel turd and if it hadn't been a mosque it would have been something else that set the poor little dear off.

The best place for people like Alexander is 6 feet under but, since that isn't an option in Canada we'll have to settle for a lifetime in prison and hope the prick never sees the light of day.


May the peaceful people live their lives without any kind of threat, in Canada and every where else.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:56 pm

Fighter Fighter:
BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Fighter Fighter:
That thread can easily piss off Muslims...It pissed off me.

Good. Then start working to convince your fellow Muslims to stop doing the things that get reported in that thread.

Trust me, all of us who post in that topic look forward to a day when there's nothing to post.


hmm...I don't believe this.

The comments I saw in that thread doesn't appear to have problem with criminals or perpetrators....The focus/target is Islam and common Muslims not crime.

All one needs to do is to go by few pages and one will sort out the agenda of OP and posters of that thread.

I know Right wingers have problem with Islam and that problem/hate emerges after any incident...They see Islam as threat to their Christianity. Old grudge, probably.

A lot of interest groups are working to enhance and carry their agenda under guise of events :)

Let me ask, what is causing the Iranian religious police to beat up little Iranian girls for celebrating something?


American oppression?


You tell me since you seem to understand it so well.

In any case, up until 1982 I didn't give a shit about Islam one way or the other. Since then I've had some nice experiences with Muslims and then I've had some traumatic experiences with Muslims.

Hate to tell you, friend, but the traumatic experiences stand out quite a bit.

And in every case Islam was a major factor both in the inception of the event and in the outcome.

Given that I am still alive then you should be able to appreciate that the consistent outcome for my adversaries was sub-optimal.

( I'll even add that the only time I was ever actually shot it was an American who shot me.) :roll:

I hate to tell you, but those men made poor warriors for their cause precisely because of their beliefs.

And do I prefer peace? Yes, I do. I've worked with and trained Muslims to try to do some of what I do and my intent was to sow the seeds of peace.

I really would love to see a day come when the Ummah experiences a renaissance and decides to put an end to the ignorant beliefs and practices that have reduced the Ummah from the leading force of world civilization into something...less.

Muslims can be wonderful people. You're a fine example of such in that you can peacefully interact with people you disagree with.

But Islam lends itself to being a force of evil and that evil isn't always expressed as terrorism against infidels, no, the most pernicious evil that Islam perpetrates is against its own believers.

You people really are your own worst enemies.

If the day comes when you people no longer terrorize yourselves then I am certain that on that day you'll no longer be of any dire concern to anyone else.

Respectfully submitted.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 8:13 am

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Let me ask, what is causing the Iranian religious police to beat up little Iranian girls for celebrating something?


American oppression?


You tell me since you seem to understand it so well.

In any case, up until 1982 I didn't give a shit about Islam one way or the other. Since then I've had some nice experiences with Muslims and then I've had some traumatic experiences with Muslims.

Hate to tell you, friend, but the traumatic experiences stand out quite a bit.

And in every case Islam was a major factor both in the inception of the event and in the outcome.

Given that I am still alive then you should be able to appreciate that the consistent outcome for my adversaries was sub-optimal.

( I'll even add that the only time I was ever actually shot it was an American who shot me.) :roll:

I hate to tell you, but those men made poor warriors for their cause precisely because of their beliefs.

And do I prefer peace? Yes, I do. I've worked with and trained Muslims to try to do some of what I do and my intent was to sow the seeds of peace.

I really would love to see a day come when the Ummah experiences a renaissance and decides to put an end to the ignorant beliefs and practices that have reduced the Ummah from the leading force of world civilization into something...less.

Muslims can be wonderful people. You're a fine example of such in that you can peacefully interact with people you disagree with.

But Islam lends itself to being a force of evil and that evil isn't always expressed as terrorism against infidels, no, the most pernicious evil that Islam perpetrates is against its own believers.

You people really are your own worst enemies.

If the day comes when you people no longer terrorize yourselves then I am certain that on that day you'll no longer be of any dire concern to anyone else.

Respectfully submitted.

Thanks for crediting me and such long post. Also accept apology for my late reply :)

I think I and other Muslims are quite happy of being Muslims and those who are converting to Islam are also doing out of their own will and seems to be happy.

Islam is descendant of Judaism and Christianity...The last religion God called for all humans. Islam is not evil or force of evil. It is a perfect unedited religion after which no other religion will be bestowed upon us by God...The only thing left to come is Judgement day now.

If you have had bad experiences with Muslims, I then apologize to you on their behalf. What happened? They will be held responsible on day of Judgement severely if they did any harm to you or any other.

We have our own fair share of morons, will agree to that and can't/won't deny.

I also believe Americans are generally honest, fun loving and caring people by large.

Iranians and Saudis are both opening up, gradually, it seems...and these both nations are quite staunch proponents of Islam...I am talking about below

I believe Muslims can regain their lost glory but will surely gonna take time.

Muslims can and should also get along well with others and vice versa.

I pray for peace.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:30 am

Fighter Fighter:
I am sorry but I didn't get it...What does this mean? and what it has connection with tattoos?

"Hate travels on little mouse feet"

My 'Oma', my ex wife's grandmother was a Polish Jew during World War II. Germany took all the Jews, and gave them a numbered tattoo on their forearm. You know the rest of that story.

"Hate travels on little mouse feet" that she used to say, means that 'hate' doesn't just show up one day all loud and obnoxious. It begins quietly. Softly. Unnoticed. Like how mice invade your home. And one day you see it all around you and you wonder how you missed it.

That's how the hate began in Europe in the 1900's. Slowly, quietly. A word here, someone there talking about how the immigrants are taking over. Suddenly, they are putting people into camps.

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:16 am

Fighter Fighter:
I know Right wingers have problem with Islam and that problem/hate emerges after any incident...They see Islam as threat to their Christianity. Old grudge, probably.

Get off it. I'm a right winger that normally has NO problem with any other religion doing whatever it is they do. My problem is when people of a certain religion commit violence and heinous acts in the name of their religion and hide behind it like a shield, playing the victim card soon thereafter.

Muslims have been directly responsible for some of the most violent and heinous acts in recent history, which have personally offended me many times over. I personally identify as a non-practicing Catholic. I believe that everyone should peacefully go about their own business. No one bothers me about anything God related, and I don't meddle in other people's beliefs.

I've been friends with people from the Jewish, Taoist, and other faiths, as well as having worked with two different people at two different workplaces of the Muslim faith. The problems arose when the topic of religion was brought up (not by me), with both of the Muslims going off on a tangent, calling other religions 'phony', and going so far as to calling Canada and what it stands for as 'bullshit'.

The one Muslim man I worked with from 2001-2002 even cheered on the day when the 9/11 attacks happened, making sure to tell everyone who came into work that day that, "I'm Muslim! We are AWESOME!"

That was my first eye-opener from the so-called 'Religion Of Peace', the first of MANY.


CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:52 am

SO you are in favour of Alexandre then?

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:52 am

Not many Right-wingers declaring Jihad's on the Christian world these days. Not many Christians cutting the heads off of aid workers in the name of allah either.

We see these atrocities and we see and hear the lack of outrage over these crimes against humanity from much of the Muslim world.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:43 pm

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
SO you are in favour of Alexandre then?




CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:07 pm

Newsbot Newsbot:

Yes he is.

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:12 pm

llama66 llama66:
I will also point out, there is latent xenophobia in Canada, case in point, Bart's treatment by some after he said he voted for Trump.

That's not xenophobia - xenophobia is a hatred of outsiders.

Bart earned his disdain for voting for Trump (right or wrong), not specifically because he is an American.

Same goes for Martin's opinions of BeaverFever and other Liberal voters here - Martin dislikes them for their political POV, not because of where they come from.

llama66 llama66:
Generally, there is a distrust of what we don't understand. Some try to educate themselves, some don't. As an emotional species, sometimes we act out on how we fell-- to disastrous result. Not at all excusing the actions of the person. Houses of worship are supposed to be sacred.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:09 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Fighter Fighter:
I am sorry but I didn't get it...What does this mean? and what it has connection with tattoos?

"Hate travels on little mouse feet"

My 'Oma', my ex wife's grandmother was a Polish Jew during World War II. Germany took all the Jews, and gave them a numbered tattoo on their forearm. You know the rest of that story.

"Hate travels on little mouse feet" that she used to say, means that 'hate' doesn't just show up one day all loud and obnoxious. It begins quietly. Softly. Unnoticed. Like how mice invade your home. And one day you see it all around you and you wonder how you missed it.

That's how the hate began in Europe in the 1900's. Slowly, quietly. A word here, someone there talking about how the immigrants are taking over. Suddenly, they are putting people into camps.


I got it, now. You are right.

Yes, as we say here in Urdu literature/poetry. I hope I am translating that correctly.

Tragedy doesn't occur suddenly out of nowhere but time/nature nurtures it for years/decades

Fighter Fighter:
I know Right wingers have problem with Islam and that problem/hate emerges after any incident...They see Islam as threat to their Christianity. Old grudge, probably.

Get off it. I'm a right winger that normally has NO problem with any other religion doing whatever it is they do. My problem is when people of a certain religion commit violence and heinous acts in the name of their religion and hide behind it like a shield, playing the victim card soon thereafter.

Muslims have been directly responsible for some of the most violent and heinous acts in recent history, which have personally offended me many times over. I personally identify as a non-practicing Catholic. I believe that everyone should peacefully go about their own business. No one bothers me about anything God related, and I don't meddle in other people's beliefs.

I've been friends with people from the Jewish, Taoist, and other faiths, as well as having worked with two different people at two different workplaces of the Muslim faith. The problems arose when the topic of religion was brought up (not by me), with both of the Muslims going off on a tangent, calling other religions 'phony', and going so far as to calling Canada and what it stands for as 'bullshit'.

The one Muslim man I worked with from 2001-2002 even cheered on the day when the 9/11 attacks happened, making sure to tell everyone who came into work that day that, "I'm Muslim! We are AWESOME!"

That was my first eye-opener from the so-called 'Religion Of Peace', the first of MANY.


I got your context.

See my reply below

llama66 llama66:
Not many Right-wingers declaring Jihad's on the Christian world these days. Not many Christians cutting the heads off of aid workers in the name of allah either.

We see these atrocities and we see and hear the lack of outrage over these crimes against humanity from much of the Muslim world.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer


The Jihad about which west cries it soul out was actually financed by west itself, against soviet union...Osama Bin Laden, which is considered a villain now, was then a Anti Soviet Warrior


What just happened is the same terrorists/freedom fighters/mercenaries (whatever you call them) you guys supported against USSR, afterwards i.e 9/11, the same guys were after you and vice versa....It got backfired big time.

Now, we do know that US didn't ask Muslims around the world to go for supporting terrorists or freedom fighters or Jihad for its own geopolitical purpose i.e tussle against USSR. So, in that way, Muslims are not at all responsible for what's happening around the world regarding terrorism or what not. They were not consulted prior to all this nonsense by west. The guys who made their hands dirty know about it well.

Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!

Still, Many Muslim communities condemn terrorist event. My country Pakistan, did it by having joint resolution against terrorism

Well, Christian right wingers are just more sophisticated when killing humans....Muslim extremist behead one by one - takes time....On the other hand, Christian right winger don't even bother to do that...They just rained missiles and bombs right from the sky as if they are going to make world record how to kill more people in less time. Muslims do in group, not as a government while Christians do it with all power and backing/order of Governments....Who is worse?

So, that's absurd logic. I mean if we start demanding condemnation from whole community against actions of few and even after getting response, we still blame them, then I am sorry this world will get more fucked than it is now. Everyone is having some sort of dirty hands. No one is angle here...No one can claim moral superiority over others.

When did Americans as a nation apologized for bombing Iraq mercilessly without any provocation and on false account of WMDs? It's just recent history.

When did whites apologize as a community for actions of US for bombing Asian Japan with two nukes, right on their civilian population?

When did whites as whole apologized for occupying the land of natives? (Australia, US) ?? and even Canada?

When did British apologize for occupying/colonization of South Asia and killing people when faced resistance?

When did French apologize as a nation for colonization?

When did fellow whites show outcry against Spain/Netherlands' colonization?

When did Americans do anything to stop their government from napalming civilians with uranium depleted rounds in Iraq?

I agree with rest of what you said...In our Urdu language, we say:

Silence is half agreeing

Condemnation and practical steps need to be taken from all sides to stop non sense.

Peace !

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:38 am

So, that's absurd logic. I mean if we start demanding condemnation from whole community against actions of few and even after getting response, we still blame them, then I am sorry this world will get more fucked than it is now. Everyone is having some sort of dirty hands. No one is angle here...No one can claim moral superiority over others.

Its not just "a few". Iran has rallies where they burn effigies and burn flags, while chanting "Death to the West", ISIS kills (killed) thousands in the Middle East and in Europe in the name of Allah. Al Qaeda dropped the WTC, bombed embassies, waged war and almost sank the USS Cole. Jeez, those "few" are pretty busy.

If Christians started killing on the scale of these "Few". There would be condemnation and outrage from the Pope down.

Yet as ISIS and Al Qaeda toppled buildings and murdered innocents, the Muslim world was silent.

As for your "Christians just use missiles and drones" to kill and hows that working out, there are protests and marches and a great many people opposed (The Pope even decries the violence). When Jihadi John (may his soul burn in hell) cut the heads off the aid workers, crickets from the Muslim world.

Oh yeah, I'm not Catholic, I'm a Protestant.

I've said a couple of times, Perception is Reality.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:24 am

llama66 llama66:
So, that's absurd logic. I mean if we start demanding condemnation from whole community against actions of few and even after getting response, we still blame them, then I am sorry this world will get more fucked than it is now. Everyone is having some sort of dirty hands. No one is angle here...No one can claim moral superiority over others.

Its not just "a few". Iran has rallies where they burn effigies and burn flags, while chanting "Death to the West", ISIS kills (killed) thousands in the Middle East and in Europe in the name of Allah. Al Qaeda dropped the WTC, bombed embassies, waged war and almost sank the USS Cole. Jeez, those "few" are pretty busy.

If Christians started killing on the scale of these "Few". There would be condemnation and outrage from the Pope down.

Yet as ISIS and Al Qaeda toppled buildings and murdered innocents, the Muslim world was silent.

As for your "Christians just use missiles and drones" to kill and hows that working out, there are protests and marches and a great many people opposed (The Pope even decries the violence). When Jihadi John (may his soul burn in hell) cut the heads off the aid workers, crickets from the Muslim world.

Oh yeah, I'm not Catholic, I'm a Protestant.

I've said a couple of times, Perception is Reality.

I think this topic went way ahead...

Lets agree to disagree.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:34 am

Fighter Fighter:

I think this topic went way ahead...

Lets agree to disagree.


You got your ass handed to you, and now are trying to take the easy way out.



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