Brenda Brenda:
Now give me one good reason why a tattoo artist (who makes a living with his good name) would put 53 more stars on an 18-year olds face than she asked for, even if she was passed out?
The article mentions a difficulty in communication which is not hard to believe. There is also the possibility that somebody with a massive amount of tattoos did it for his own reasons.
Why would someone ask for so many stars if they didn't want them? Its not like she was ordering food or buying something that can be returned.
The friend I was telling you about got his tattoo at a night-club where they said they would tattoo the most outrageous tattoo suggested for free. My friend put in his bid as mick jagger lips around his navel and won. He wasn't plastered but the idiocy of such a contest in a drinking establishment shows the professionalism of some tattoo artists who were there showcasing their work to drum up business.
I can easy see how her version is true, though that doesn't mean I'm wrong.