PluggyRug PluggyRug:
About time they got rid of O'Toole, he just followed Liberal talking points. The last election was his to loose and he didn't disappoint
The only chance the CPC has to form government is to pick a moderate like Michael Chong, but there's no way the base in the Prairies will ever go for that, as they barely tolerated O'Toole.
If they pick Lewis or Sloan this time, they will finally be reduced to the rump regional party they really are. Either that, or the FluTruxClan base will finally sheer off and jump on the PPC bandwagon, which will reduce the CPC to an also-ran like the NDP.
Dwight Eisenhower was correct when he said that, "The middle of the road is the only usable surface, the far right and left are in the gutters."
The last six/seven years have shown that the CPC still doesn't understand that.