JaredMilne JaredMilne:
I wonder what goes through the minds of the people who actually do this.
Are they white self-proclaimed "allies".....
Judging from some of the things that have been presented on CKA over the last several years, and by white progressives in general all across North America since 2020 at least, far too often a self-proclaimed ally will believe literally anything no matter how horrific is it. The emotional & mental chaos fueling an "I WANT to believe" is a juggernaut. Full speed ahead, always, no matter the consequences. The dogma of the ally demographic will defeat actual reality every single time. Reality if now far too weak to defend itself from the insanity anymore. It's a new orthodoxy that's effectively eliminated all doubting of it's own righteousness, the full elimination of any conscience altogether.
Or do they even care?
No, they don't care. Only those who shackle themselves with questions of the rightness of their beliefs & actions waste their time with worrying or caring about what has to be done. The quest for the dream-utopia cannot be delayed by any hesitations that are caused by improper adherence to any of the obsolete morality or laws that belong to the dying civilization that must absolutely be replaced.
Not even a machine could be as cold & dead inside as the new revolutionaries are proving themselves to be.