Clogeroo Clogeroo:
Well what are five things you like/dislike about Germany and 5 things you like/dislike about Canada?
1. People are not as nice and kind as canadians
2. Germany is a real service desert!
3. Life is expensive over here!
4. Bureaucracy is terrible over here!
5. Generally they are to pessimistic!
1. Bavaria' s culture and tradition is great!
2. Germany is Europe' s heart <- all other countries are not far away, I can go skiing in the alps, and go shopping in London
1. kindness of people
2. service in all matters
3. canadian mentality
4. Cnanada is a growing country
4. Canada' s nature of course
1. Toronto is so high in debt
2. They don' t do so much to get rcognized here in Europe (Everybody thinks we are only lumberjacks, producing Maple Syrup)
3. Too dependent of the USA
As I said, I would never say that I don' t like Germany, but I prefer Canada!