RMacC RMacC:
Oh right that must have been after somebody changed my post title into "please donate to my scam" !!! Sorry i only meant to make one post,
"Only 1 post", which violated the forum rules. A fact you blatantly ignore.
but after that you know my full name is attached so anytime in the future i apply for a decent job and they google me they are gonna see that crap
Aahhhh, passive aggressive "it's all your fault"-nonsense.
and all i was trying to do was raise a few pledges for prostate cancer awareness as friends were doing.
Which is fine, if you had read the forum rules and asked for permission. You didn't, you went into attack mode when people pointed it out to you in a nice way, and threatened to sue the site owner with a slander-suit. Nice going, dear!
So maybe i didn't read the rules, did you know 85% of people don't read rules on sites like this...?
Which is not an excuse. Ignorance is never an excuse.
I thought it would be either allowed or deleted, not edited into something worse than it actually it is, which hurts my reputation, all because i promoted "Movember" and tried to get some donations.
See, if you would have done your research, you would have known that that is what happens here with spammers.
So forgive me for being nasty, that did not have to be edited in such a way without proper knowledge.
Again, you went all nasty to a very friendly MrC, who tried to explain the rules.
Again, it is up to you to educate yourself on rules and regs. The "proper knowledge" is up to you.
I tried to explain myself out of it and got buried, triple-teamed so yeah i lose are you happy?
You attacked MrC in a very rude way, and then kept that attitude up.
Next time you get some extra cash, donate something to fucking cancer they really need support.
We do, we know, we don't need you to tell us that in the way you did.
Spam to me is posting links to crappy websites or blogs and products in a deceptive or trollish way. I made it clear this was optional and was honest and straight forward about my purpose. It was not a commission link or anything like that to benefit me. The post title was edited after my first post to make me look like a scammer, now every single fucking time anybody looks me up they may find this, all because of a petty fucking pledge seeking. Do you see why i am pissed off? Heaven forbid any idiots get hit with a door to door salesman. Its just immature and ridiculous.
Read the forum rules.
You were banned, and bypassed that ban. Don't come up with excuses, you messed up in a big way. Don't blame your crap on anyone else. You should have left when you were banned.
I think I have been pretty clear now.