saturn_656 saturn_656:
A good chunk of Shyamalan's films have turned a profit, which is more than Boll can say.
I haven't seen any of Boll's films so I can't comment on the quality of his works.
Yes I agree that much of Shyamalan's films have turned a profit, however, M. Night's films have dropped in profit and critical acclaim after his first three films (the sixth sense, unbreakable, signs), and his career continues to nose dive. This guy was going to be the next great director/producer in tinseltown, right up there with the likes of James Cameron, Steven Speilberg, Francis Ford Coppola to name a few. How the mighty have fallen.
However, there is a small glimer of light at the end of the tunnel for him. His next big project is a film simply called 1000 A.E. and it will star Will Smith along with his son Jaden.