Zipperfish Zipperfish:
TattoodGirl TattoodGirl:
Get Rock Band...more can play, there is drums, bass, guitar and a mic. It is completely fun and usually no fighting over a controller. Of course there is alot of 'In Yo FACE BIOTCH!!!!' well in my house there is...but I am a poor winner
Or better yet--learn how to play guitar for real! Rock band is a lot of fun. And, as a singer, I actually find the vocal graphic helpful. And apparently the new drum set they're going to come out with will actaully resemble a real drum kit. It's evolving into a useful learning tool for musicians.
OHHHH....But I do know how to play the guitar...I just like the bass know we are the backbone of any band.
The one thing I dont like about the kit is no cymbols, so you know a song and go to crash the cymbols and its nothing but air. The kick is pretty cool...its quite similar to a real kick, I would like to see a double though.