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CKA Elite
CKA Elite
Posts: 3448
PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:20 pm

The game vgaplanets which I have played on and off since about 1994ish is in the process of being upgraded to a web base game from its BBS beginnings. I started playing it when email became the thing to do.
Basically it is getting harder to play because it isn't supported anymore and as computer software advances the game software doesn't.

But recently a guy decided to ask the original developer for permission to adapt it to the modern day, but still trying to keep the feel of the old game, which is really kick ass(maybe not so much for the younger pups who didn't grow up on pong and space invaders.)

SO, the guys at Geographical Media are the ones doing this and what I thought was cool it is being developed by a Canadian here in Alberta!!!
If anyone is interested in trying it out, check out the website. It's in beta testing at the moment and you can sign up free to try it out.

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