Add 1 Tiger to the garage count.
I probably should have gone with an IS but I wanted to continue the tree I all ready started. As far as the Tiger being as bad as everyone says it is, meh, it’s not bad but you do defiantly get owned by any tank that is of equal tier or higher. The only good point is that you rarely get match with
only teir 7 and up.
On that note though, even tier 5 and 6’s have a tendency to be an equal match. The Tiger’s armour is way under spec’ed as compared to what it should be. Tier 5’s have no problem penetrating my front armour, my only saving grace are my higher hit points. Not to mention what ever armour I have is pretty much defeated by the fact that I’m the slowest thing on the battlefield.
It’s a sniper, but a poor one at that. Slow tank, slow reload times, no ability camo itself, and poor armour as compared to other tier 7’s and up. It does have good penetration and accuracy but those are off set by the fact that you have to hang way back and it has poor damage. Sure I can hit a T29 from the top of hill but because I’m so far away I can’t selectively aim for the hull and I do such poor damage that it literally takes 10+ shots to kill anything above a tier 5.
I'm use to getting an average of 2 kills a match regardless of what I'm driving, be it arty, light, med, or tds. In my Tiger I find I'm averaging around 1 mainly because I just can not keep up. By the time I get to where the fight is or into a position the battle is half over because I'm so damn slow.
Oh well, it’s mine so I’ll have to live with it for now. I’ll use it to advance to the KT which I hear is better but I’m in no hurry to get to tier 8. I think I’m going to cap off my tech research in mediums first.