"Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption," the guideline now reads.
After more than 50 years of warnings to cut dietary cholesterol, the panel agreed with the American Heart Association's 2013 report that "available evidence shows no appreciable relationship" between eating cholesterol and blood levels of cholesterol.
It also shows the relationship between agribusiness on the council that decides what goes in the guidelines. Almost as nepotistic as Canada's food guides.
The problem with cholesterol though is that it often is found in saturated fatty foods, and the saturated fat is a bigger problem.
ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
Gee....eating whole, natural foods....who'd a thunk it? It's the refined and processed shit that's killing us.
Wheat is being modified faster than we can adapt, and people are developing gluten allergies at an increasing rate. Who'd a thunk?