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CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:09 am ... -1.3394391

The advice to avoid cholesterol from foods like eggs has been cut out of new dietary guidelines.

The U.S. secretaries of health and agriculture released the new guidelines Thursday to reduce obesity and prevent diseases like heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

People are encouraged to follow healthy eating patterns with nutritious foods and limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats as well as to limit sodium.

In a departure from the 2010 guidelines, the advice to limit cholesterol in the diet to 300 milligrams a day is overturned.

"Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption," the guideline now reads.

After more than 50 years of warnings to cut dietary cholesterol, the panel agreed with the American Heart Association's 2013 report that "available evidence shows no appreciable relationship" between eating cholesterol and blood levels of cholesterol.

Gee....eating whole, natural foods....who'd a thunk it? It's the refined and processed shit that's killing us.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 33492
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:15 am

If you're limiting saturated fats, you're naturally limiting cholesterol. But I've never followed the low cholesterol bandwagon, since my blood cholesterol is mostly determined by my liver. Had a gf who actually had dangerously low levels of cholesterol.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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Posts: 52593
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:18 am

"Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption," the guideline now reads.

After more than 50 years of warnings to cut dietary cholesterol, the panel agreed with the American Heart Association's 2013 report that "available evidence shows no appreciable relationship" between eating cholesterol and blood levels of cholesterol.

It also shows the relationship between agribusiness on the council that decides what goes in the guidelines. Almost as nepotistic as Canada's food guides.

The problem with cholesterol though is that it often is found in saturated fatty foods, and the saturated fat is a bigger problem.

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
Gee....eating whole, natural foods....who'd a thunk it? It's the refined and processed shit that's killing us.

Wheat is being modified faster than we can adapt, and people are developing gluten allergies at an increasing rate. Who'd a thunk?

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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Posts: 52593
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:21 am

andyt andyt:
If you're limiting saturated fats, you're naturally limiting cholesterol. But I've never followed the low cholesterol bandwagon, since my blood cholesterol is mostly determined by my liver. Had a gf who actually had dangerously low levels of cholesterol.

Like the GMO debate, once your body digests it, that doesn't mean the body will store it as cholesterol. Eating too much, then getting to little exercise means the body will store excess calories as fat. Then when all the fat storage us used up, it gets stored in the blood as cholesterol.

Saturated fat is another matter. :twisted:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:24 am

The gluten intolerance and an increase in the rates celiac disease are more often than not the result of self diagnosis by uneducated individuals. ... 27420.html

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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Posts: 52593
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:31 am

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
The gluten intolerance and an increase in the rates celiac disease are more often than not the result of self diagnosis by uneducated individuals. ... 27420.html

Very true, marketing victims often have no clue about what 'gluten' is or who needs to avoid it. But Canadian Digestive Health Foundation says actual Celiac cases have doubled over the last 25 years.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:36 am

A few years back a friend of mine was told he had celiac disease, less than a year later he was dead from stomach cancer.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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Posts: 52593
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:38 am

Doctors are quacks. :(

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:39 am

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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:20 am

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
The gluten intolerance and an increase in the rates celiac disease are more often than not the result of self diagnosis by uneducated individuals. ... 27420.html

It's also because 99% of doctors don't know a damn thing about this.

I know, because I went through multiple doctors who are more interested in writing a prescription or sending me for the same test over and over again.

Most people know they don't react well to certain foods like milk and gluten isn't much different. If it bothers you, stop eating it....and don't listen to anything doctors have to say on the subject.

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