BartSimpson BartSimpson:
The Liberals are obviously in cahoots with the Republicans who hate sick people.
Go back to the 1990's and examine the Chretien Liberal's record of brutal cuts to things sick or needy people needed to survive, while simultaneously wasting billions of dollars elsewhere, and you're not far off the mark. L'il Potato is playing a double game, looking kind and friendly for the cameras and avoiding any talk of the types of cuts that were popular in the Chretien days but in the background they're making things as difficult as they can with things like this, the business tax hikes, or more cuts to the military.
Want to know why I hate Austerity Heroes so much? Because I lived through it, both as a Canadian and as an Alberta, when it was recklessly toyed with by both our federal and provincial politicians. And when played with by either side it was (and still remains) and absolute disaster as an economic concept, especially when the money gets cut off to people that it's actually helping but keeps flowing uninterrupted to friends and cronies.