BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Your last name could also be "Patton". Seems they have an innate ability to efficiently make 90 degree turns without thinking about it.
I saw what you did there.
Thanos Thanos:
This discovery could be an answer and I'm going to approach my doctor with it. If anyone has any experiences like this or has any suggestions I'd more than appreciate it if you'd share them with me.
You remember back in February I had a little dizzy episode ?
One of the things I did was go to an ear-nose-throat guy.
No help there, but she suggested something in my neck might be off. Turns out, she was right. And I didnt even feel any pains in my neck.
Went to a phsyio, got some therapy and massage for my neck. Seems it did the trick.
I would just go to an ENT right away, their basic exam is 10 minutes,
and the camera they stick up your nose is quite fun.
And then go see a massage therapist, not the 'Asian' girls
, but a real one.
Don't wait for your doctor, just go.