andyt andyt:
You know statistics. Clusters happen. Also some suiciding is copycatting, especially among young people. But to dismiss youth suicide as entitlement on your part is very scary.
It wasn't a dismissal! I was hypothesizing whether the general youth attitude is part of the reason for the problem. I also think it's part of the reason for mass shootings, the appeal of ISIS and host of other social problems among our youth. I'm speculating that kids see reality TV and celebrity and think they're entitled to something that's missing in their lives. It's like Mark David Chapman en masse. They're being bombarded by this wholly fake culture and it's reinforced through social media. Granted, it's a thin hypothesis and I have no evidence nor expertise to support it, but I think there may be something to it. Kids today just spend every waking moment attached to technology and it's making them crazy.
andyt andyt:
You should take some courses outside your area of expertise. Make you a better economist too.
I read all kinds of things. And while your statement is likely true, my days of taking courses are well behind me.