DrCaleb DrCaleb:
When I first read a story on this, it made sense. My symptoms are not the same as yours, and not the same as other people I know.
One guy I work with is older than me, and I would call him fairly skinny. Just a bit of a belly, not even 30 pounds overweight. But, he is type 2.
There is a growing amount a controlled studies, not just epidemiological, that are showing the old W.H.O's assertions that calories in are all the same is starting to fall apart. Carbohydrates cause significantly more damage and contribute to metabolic syndrome much more that we first thought. That is one of the reasons people with apparently no or very few risk factors for type 2 diabetes are developing this insulin resistance.
They eat what they think is healthy, whole grains, fruits, little meat, and follow the standard health food guide. Which is actually backwards, we should be limited all carbs and increasing proteins from animal products. One of the reason's I went into a very low carb high fat diet was blood pressure, I have no real health issues, not overweight, exercise regularly all of that stuff but I could not get my BP into normal ranges until I starting eating a LCHF diet. And any form of carbohydrate is sugar as seen by the body, thus many people are starting to develope some form of diabetes because of all this sugar they are eating.