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Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:04 pm
Well if the USA decided to invade Canada and (thats a big if), lets be real, in less than a year the USA would have 6 news states... sure they will put up a fight, but to no use. Keep dreaming the world will help you, they will just watch and protest like they do with the Georgian-Russian conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. You think Britain will help you? lol Good luck getting them to attack us or any other country for that matter.Even if they, no country will land in your soil, the Navy of the USA is without a match, even if the Eu unites, they still wont land in Canadian soil. Nato or the United Nations, we pretty much pay and own them one way or another... check and find out yourself. Sure the world will hate us but after 15 years no one will remember a thing, like Hawaii. =======================
But in reality, our brilliant government will dissolve our nations to a level for the better good, or so they say. around 2010, and it will be done with no fights or even disputes. Apart form the Texans, most people don't know about it.
Just think of the Mexican, USA and Canadian unify a version of the European Union. No borders, 1 currency, 1 government, 1 citizenship.
North American union
I hope it does not happen,I'm a huge conservative, I'm sure we don't want Mexico's problem, and Canada does not want ours lol
whats your opinion on that.
Posts: 8738
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:10 pm
Julian28 Julian28: Well if the USA decided to invade Canada and (thats a big if), lets be real, in less than a year the USA would have 6 news states... sure they will put up a fight, but to no use. Keep dreaming the world will help you, they will just watch and protest like they do with the Georgian-Russian conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. You think Britain will help you? lol Good luck getting them to attack us or any other country for that matter.Even if they, no country will land in your soil, the Navy of the USA is without a match, even if the Eu unites, they still wont land in Canadian soil. Nato or the United Nations, we pretty much pay and own them one way or another... check and find out yourself. Sure the world will hate us but after 15 years no one will remember a thing, like Hawaii. =======================
But in reality, our brilliant government will dissolve our nations to a level for the better good, or so they say. around 2010, and it will be done with no fights or even disputes. Apart form the Texans, most people don't know about it.
Just think of the Mexican, USA and Canadian unify a version of the European Union. No borders, 1 currency, 1 government, 1 citizenship.
North American union
I hope it does not happen,I'm a huge conservative, I'm sure we don't want Mexico's problem, and Canada does not want ours lol
whats your opinion on that. Why are you here?
Posts: 21614
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:54 pm
This topic has been spewed constantly.
Everyone here agrees, if Canada became part of any other country, we'd fight tooth and nail to get it back.
I personally don't think it's going to happen anymore.
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:02 pm
This shit again?
fuck off.
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:12 pm
It'll be 1812 all over again. 
Posts: 8738
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:19 pm
Kerozine Kerozine: It'll be 1812 all over again.  I'm sorry I posted. The best way to deal with this trash is to ignore it.
CKA Uber
Posts: 22594
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:25 pm
First post; Chicago; Student. Good luck with you're paper.
Posts: 8738
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:41 pm
ridenrain ridenrain: First post; Chicago; Student. Good luck with you're paper. Now I didn't think of that, thanks!
Posts: 35263
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:14 pm
Junior Member
Posts: 25
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:57 pm
Seeing as how the Americans cant even control a country the size of Iraq, they would have no chance of controlling Canada.
Posts: 35263
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:05 pm
Any annexation of Canada will be over energy. When that crisis manifests they won't even bother to govern or control us we will be shot on sight or interned. The mouse that lives in the shadow of the elephant lives in constant fear that it will roll over.
Posts: 11234
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:53 am
I would be more in favor of Canada annexing the USA, I think your government is more responsive to the needs of your people. There seems to a lot less backbiting, backstabbing, whinning, corruption in your government than in ours.
Universal health care should be a right of all people.
Besides your national anthem is better than our which is was originally a beer drinking song.
Posts: 4117
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:39 am
How many times will this be discussed? Anyways I will bite.
The reality of it is, nobody knows what will happen. I personally believe nobody would allow America to invade Canada for many reasons.
The Russia-Georgia war has nothing to do with it, Georgie isn't apart of NATO thus nobody has to protect it or has any interests to take on Russia over Georgia.
The best they can do is get the UN to broker a peace agreement. Canada is a different story because it's a highly valuable country to others because of it's natural resources and is apart of NATO. America by attacking Canada would be back-stabbing NATO and probally thrown out. Canada would have to face war alone for awhile because nobody would go blindly in a war against the U.S. without first attempting to resolve the situation but once they see the U.S. wouldn't back off. They have no choice but to honor there NATO agreements and protect Canada. Which they would have no problems doing as Canada has spent a long time gaining respect and friendship with the world. The citizens of those countries like Canada over America for the simple fact that Canada spends more time developing it's PR with the world and gaining a good rep with it. The citizens would prefer the defense of Canada and the Government's of those countries pretty much have to listen to it's citizens.
History can teach you that citizens can be very powerful and influence the government if they want to. Just like at the current war, so much protest and all the governments are risking bad rep with America and some not even honoring there NATO agreement on this war because they don't support it.
You really think they would shrug off another attack by America, on Canada no-less? There would be so much world-wide protest. Expecialy from nations who owe Canada from so many years of relief they offer. Canada is the United Nations best customer. In there efforts, missions and everything they do. The U.N. would take Canada's side as well.
I don't know who would take America's side, maybe Britain or maybe not. Britain seems to always back America these days but it has never been tested with Canada because so far there has not been any Canada lead wars. It's a 50/50 thing.
America would kick our military's ass's, that much is for sure. All those years of doing nothing but funding and developing there military against a military with a cheap ass military that give's them pocket change.
However the CF will give America a run for there money, not to mention any Militia groups that would spring in action in protest of America's actions. As we know already from the current wars, any militia groups that spring up consists of nothing but civilians and fighting them often costs other civilians there lives because the militia are civilians and like to fight in there own neighbourhood where they know they layout.
It would cause bad PR for America, brining more Canadian's to the Militia cause. Not to mention the other terrorist/militia groups that would want a piece of American blood. As you saw in Afghanistan and Iraq. You had people from ex-soviet countries going to Afghanistan to fight American troops. You had people from across the world practicly going there to fight NATO.
The fact is simple, America may beat the Canadian Forces in a fight and take the land but they will not own it. Eventually they will have to give it back because Canadians will not adopt America taking there country by agression and neither would the rest of the world. America may be the best Military in the world but as lessons from the World Wars. Germany was the most advanced and best Military at that time but they cannot take on the whole world.
The PR of the war, and the ammount of countries standing up against this American agression will force America to have no choice but to retreat and call a ceasefire.
That is my scenario, but of course it's a scenario that won't happen because America is too smart to do it. The only chance of that happening is if the world goes into mega greed mode and oil starts running low and water starts running low. All of which Canada is rich of, and if Canada cannot meet there demands which probally will be high because right now countries get there supplies from multiple sources, not just one because no one country can meet the world's demands.
They would have to attack Canada for there own interests. That is the only way America could attack Canada and get away with it.
Posts: 35263
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:58 am
Here is a crazy thought Bacardi, let's say that Mexico collapsed and the US sends in troops to stabilize and impose a state of order. Who would stop them?
Now if the US is really considering annexing us, we are dead. Full stop. Sure we can hide in the hills and do our version of red dawn but we all know that's fairly insignificant and no the international community will not come riding to our rescue. They didn't help Yugo and that was in the heart of the EU.
Simply put it's better not to own the cow if you can get the milk for free and right now the US gets that under FTA/NAFTA. If that was to fail or if their demands out pace our ability to provide only then does the idea of annexing becomes anywhere near palatable. This action would have to be under the backdrop of a much larger and pressing crisis. In other words if the US thinks their very existence is at stake there is nothing on earth that is going to stop them from taking anything and everything from us if they were so inclined.
Posts: 33691
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:09 am
Scape Scape: Here is a crazy thought Bacardi, let's say that Mexico collapsed and the US sends in troops to stabilize and impose a state of order. Who would stop them?
Now if the US is really considering annexing us, we are dead. Full stop. Sure we can hide in the hills and do our version of red dawn but we all know that's fairly insignificant and no the international community will not come riding to our rescue. They didn't help Yugo and that was in the heart of the EU.
Simply put it's better not to own the cow if you can get the milk for free and right now the US gets that under FTA/NAFTA. If that was to fail or if their demands out pace our ability to provide only then does the idea of annexing becomes anywhere near palatable. This action would have to be under the backdrop of a much larger and pressing crisis. In other words if the US thinks their very existence is at stake there is nothing on earth that is going to stop them from taking anything and everything from us if they were so inclined. Well put 
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