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Forum: CKA Columns Topic: Philip Cross: Toronto has become a monolithic, suffocating l |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:17 am
Replies: 25 Views: 1945
1) such as..? This. Toronto and indeed the "liberal" parts of North America are the most thriving, culturally abd economically meanwhile the most conservative parts of the continent have become stagnant shit holes 2) How is my post any different than the article in the OP? You guys like t... |
Forum: CKA Columns Topic: Philip Cross: Toronto has become a monolithic, suffocating l |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:34 am
Replies: 25 Views: 1945
Nice insult but anyway, riddle me this. If the Democrats aren't the American equivalent of Liberal then who is and could you actually show me the statistics of where "liberal" cities (and now apparently states and provinces) in North America are flourishing while the Conservative ones are... |
Forum: CKA Columns Topic: Philip Cross: Toronto has become a monolithic, suffocating l |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:31 am
Replies: 25 Views: 1945
Just a load of pot-kettle accusations, hollow rhetoric, and general right wing crybabying. Toronto and indeed the "liberal" parts of North America are the most thriving, culturally abd economically meanwhile the most conservative parts of the continent have become stagnant shit holes. You... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Muslim mom, girl kicked out of Mississauga pool |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:55 pm
Replies: 6 Views: 553
Happened to my kids too.
My kids weren't allowed in the pool unless they were with a parent because they didn't pass the test. My wife didn't have her suit so they had to leave.
It's for the safety of the child. This woman can fuck off. |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Walmart begins Visa ban with three stores in Thunder Bay, On |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:53 am
Replies: 39 Views: 3119
I shopped at Lowe's when I lived in Virginia. How is Rona's service different? The Rona store in my area is large and bright, competitive with Home Depot and just like Lowe's. It was Revy before, just as large and bright. Home Depot has a tool rental department, Rona doesn't. Home Depot has a coupl... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Walmart begins Visa ban with three stores in Thunder Bay, On |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:13 am
Replies: 39 Views: 3119
Rona belongs to Lowes now. It's given up the 'Buy Canadian' pretense, and given their lousy customer service I'm not surprised. Although, much of what is at Lowes here is of Canadian origin. As far as things like plants and lumber go anyway. Problem is, they still act like the old Rona. Weak advert... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Walmart begins Visa ban with three stores in Thunder Bay, On |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:08 am
Replies: 39 Views: 3119
When Walmart came to Canada, I made a point of shopping Canadian. I shopped at Zellers or Canadian Tire instead of Walmart, Rona over Home Depot. But Target destroyed Zellers! Zellers destroyed Zellers. Zellers suffered from the same arrogance many Canadian companies suffer when they hoped they cou... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Man sent to hospital after Slater Street stabbing |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:16 pm
Replies: 14 Views: 699
Starting to see a pattern here? And I know you don't want to hear this, but this business of warping news coverage to appear politically correct is also nothing new. It happened in Europe. It doesn't have to happen here. The first thing we must do to prevent it though is notice . I have to ask, did... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Man sent to hospital after Slater Street stabbing |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:01 pm
Replies: 14 Views: 699
So we can learn from the mistakes the Europeans made by insisting the media keep us informed even on details they're uncomfortable with, or we can follow them down the road they took to where they are now, and just tell ourselves "Nothing new. Happens all the time." Let's keep the focus o... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Man sent to hospital after Slater Street stabbing |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:28 am
Replies: 14 Views: 699
Why would it get any more press than the rest of the stabbings in Canada on a daily basis? Because what's been happening in the rest of the world may be starting to happen here. The possibility demands we have access to the information. Do you remember how much media the first wave of photo op frie... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Man sent to hospital after Slater Street stabbing |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:06 am
Replies: 14 Views: 699
Check out the CBC post on this one. Doesn't it seem like a few details are obscured, buried or ignored in media coverage of this one. 1. It's happening in Canada 2. Multiple stabbing incidents 3. Muslims. In... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Workers' union refuses arbitration with Canada Post | CTV Ne |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:27 am
Replies: 91 Views: 3423
Come on. What he's trying to say is that even though you are an asshole, he still likes you. I have to agree with that sentiment. I think you are an asshole but I still think you have great value to society, like perhaps you could hang yourself from the bumper of an 18 wheeler trailer and do mudfla... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Walmart begins Visa ban with three stores in Thunder Bay, On |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:24 am
Replies: 39 Views: 3119
For instance: A 5% transaction fee is not unusual. That's $5 on a $100 transaction or $25 for a $500 transaction when the actual cost for the transaction is the same regardless of the amount that's processed . And now you see why the fucking banksters are pushing so hard for a cashless |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Workers' union refuses arbitration with Canada Post | CTV Ne |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:20 am
Replies: 91 Views: 3423
ontheice, I feel sorry for you. I wondered how a person could be as stupid as you portray yourself here but then I thought of how you said "at 23 I have surpassed..." If you are only 23, that explains a lot. When you grow up a bit more...maybe in ten years or so, hopefully you will have f... |
Forum: Current Events Topic: Workers' union refuses arbitration with Canada Post | CTV Ne |
OnTheIce |
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:29 pm
Replies: 91 Views: 3423
As previously mentioned, your opinion doesn't count.
I do love how you discount the report but then try to use it to back up your point.
Nice try. Move on, jackass. |
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