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Junior Member
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 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:48 am

When you go to vote, remember this. The different parties may have SLIGHTLY different platforms, agendas, plans, or ideas. But when they get in power and control the money, of course they will help their buddies, relatives, political allies, themselves, with gifts, grants, contracts, etc. It is not just the Liberals. Its just that they've been in power so long, people forget about Mulroney's gov't, which was just as bad. Broadbent wasn't in power long enough to steal anything, and, well, we know about Trudeau.

The future is, can only be, less government. Less politicians, less tax, less restrictive laws, less, less , LESS. Who is the government to tell me I can't smoke marijuana if I want to, can't get a hooker, can't have a beer when I'm eighteen.

The future is Libertarian.

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:01 am

I believe that most politicians from all parties are basically honest. Even if they have been in power many years they are generally honest on an individual basis. Some Parties in power for a long period have a tendency to become arrogant but generally not corrupt. The current Librano party is the exception to the rule, as a party they are definitely the most corrupt in Canadian Parliamentary history and arguably the most corrupt in the Western world today.

Junior Member
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:08 pm

Well, under normal vote i might agree, but since my sister and her husband got $2500 in the mail as a rebate for earnings on the Alberta Energy, and the Conservative platform is based on the Alberta model, I'm willing to give them my 110% support.

What surprised me the most about this campaign was that most people are totally unaware what each of the party's platforms and history really are. Such as the NDP. They are and always will be the Socialist party that came from a group of Communists in the Manitoba/Sask provinces. Not much has changed with what they want...well perhaps the union influence is a lot higher, but generally they want no more rich folks and a shit load of poor folks...Yes indeed, they are for the working man. :lol:

And the Liberals used to be the working persons party, borne from the merchants and business folks. Since that ass-wipe Trudeau got in and took it from a party of the hard working class, to the party of the socialist...but still allowing their friends to make money.

The Conservative Party is nothing like the Royalty Supporters they started out as. Todays Conservatives are a reformed conservative without the faith based history. They dropped God for votes. Having had a frank discussion with my local MP, he told me that the bible thumpers are not powerful enough to make a difference and that Stephen Harper was more interested in winnign the fight to clean up the House and make the Senate an elected senate. Not a Liberal retirement program. Expect nothing but reforms and court cases from the Harper government. If it's a majority the court cases will go ahead right away. If it's a minority the cases will take a lot longer because the backroom dealings that will be going on.

Whatever happens, may the government get cleaned up and may we finally get a tax relief.

Love always,

Samantha :D

Forum Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:14 pm

Not ALL. Theres one city alderman in hamilton I like and I like the local conservative candidate but other than that theres no politicians I know enough or that I trust.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:27 pm

The way athat i see it, nearly all politicians are the same. They get drawn into it because they want to make a change for the better for their city, province, state, country, etc. When the realise that the can't make that much of a change they just settle in and try to look important enough to get into a position where it looks like they are making a difference. It would be a great world indeed if politicians were honest and worked towards making everyone elses lives better. But for one reason or another the majority of them resist doing something too drastic because they might get fewer votes in the next election. And since most people that i talk to don't care about policy and politics. As a resuly, the current system of voting for the 'lesser of two evils' or 'the devil you know' or who your parents voted for (or against them just to rebel) or simply not at all, gets people elected. The system is a rotten mess that won't clean itself up because there is not enough incentive for those who have the power to clean it up.

The biggest problem with politics is beauracracy. A beauracracy grows to meet the needs of the growing beauracracy, not the needs of the people it was supposed to serve

Junior Member
Junior Member

Posts: 68
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:38 pm

I agree that we need to reduce the size of our government. I also think decentralization is a good direction to take.

Our current political system leads politicians to be corrupt. That said, a truly honest person will stay honest, and not all politicians are the same.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:40 pm

Broadbent wasn't in power long enough to steal anything

uh... Very true! :lol:

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