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CKA Elite
CKA Elite
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 3598
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:08 pm

I think the Quebec/Alberta argument is moot these days, theres lots of Franco's here now and they work hard and fit in, some of my best freinds in this province are Quebecois, plenty of New Brunswick French and other eastern Canadians as well.

The whole redneck thing is old, I am a transplant to Alberta from being a base brat, but living here for 15 years I have found that of all the provinces I've lived in people here are happy, tolerant and willing to help, and I have yet to see a bonafied redneck in any of Albertas metropolitan areas, in the sticks sure, but farmboys/girls are farmboys/girls in any province.

I made an informed decision to stay in this province, and particularily this city when the base closed, hell my old man took FRP to stay here cause the family didn't want to leave, I've loved other provinces and cities I've lived in but none as much as Calgary Alberta.

We can't blame the provincial bitch-fests on the public, look to the polliticians, Fact is I feel that if they need to name schools they should look to local people to name them after, and enough of naming after politicians because no matter what good or bad they did, they didn't do right by one group or another, there is no one politician in history that has made EVERYONE happy, therefore there will always and everywhere be some dispute over their names.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 14139
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:10 pm

EyeBrock EyeBrock:
Trudeau is a Canadian that will not be forgotten. Let’s name a few schools after him.

They already did across the country.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 23071
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:06 pm

Thanos Thanos:
Mr_Canada Mr_Canada:
xerxes xerxes:
This probably wounldn't have been an issue in any rpovice save for Alberta.

Completely agreed. It's ridiculous.

No, it's not. Trudeau fucked Alberta on purpose, just because it made him look good in Ontario and Quebec. That, and the fact that he always hated us and probably thought it was incredibly funny to hurt us as hard as he could. Every time you hear some local Alberta redneck bozo spouting off about "Alberta separation" remind yourself that you can trace the entirety of the western separatist sentiment and the anger right back to the deliberate actions of one Pierre Eliot Trudeau. Just because you're too young to have been around back then doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Sorry Thanos, but it had nothing to do with fucking Alberta on purpose, but more to do with trying to keep the country as a whole running. Like it or not, the majority of this nation resided (and still does) in the Ontario and Quebec, meaning if they went into a recession, so did the rest of us. The NEP was brought on by then-record oil prices, not a desire to stick it to Albertans. Had the country run on hydro power, Quebec and Manitoba would have gotten the shaft, not Alberta.

I'm not saying I agree with the method (NEP), but Trudeau was first and foremost concerned with national unity. As PM, he did a lot of crap I didn't like, but he didn't hesitate to make tough calls that were designed to help the country as a whole. Remember, he called out the CF to deal with the FLQ, which didn't earn him many friends there either.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
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Posts: 2245
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:18 pm

As much as I disliked Trudeau, I have to agree he had guts when it counted. Even the NEP was an appropriate call for the time. Alberta and the "let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark" did more to hurt the opinion of Alberta than it hurt Trudeau.

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