dimoreien dimoreien:
No gravy???? SERIOUSLY??
Nope, but they'll give you WHITE gravy...

which ain't the same as good ole's BROWN gravy.
My culture shock came right away and still hits me from time to time. I don't remember the first thing that got me except the lack of Shreddies, Smarties or Brown gravy. After that, it's been how I have noticed Americans act towards each other, out-of-staters, how their government treats them and such. I have had plenty of good experiances here but since I started working for the Probation Department in Houston I've just noticed a complete lack of civility all these past years here. No respect for life whatsoever. They'd shoot you in an instant and not bat an eye for the most part. Oh, but they'd stop you from having an abortion or doing stem cell research because that's not what GOD wants.....