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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:32 pm

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
I agree the single player is short - but going back and getting 3 stars on everything is quite a challenge. Multiplayer sucks for a little while. Well, so far. All these Star 'generals' are wiping the floor with my poor Sgt. Major I ass. Just 'graze' me with a bullet and it's a headshot, but I have to put 2 .50s from my Barret in their chest to put them down. If the little shitheads don't call in a nuke to end the level right there.

Anyone that calls a nuke should not be allowed to play again for 48 hours due to 'radiation burns'. Just MNSHO.

If you're in a hurry, look for a rank up server to pad your stats and classes. I dropped into one by accident for COD5 and had no idea what the heck was going on and left. Someone later had to explained to me what a Rank Up server was. :oops:
I got up to full rank the old fashion being KIA. :lol:

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:47 pm

Regina Regina:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
I agree the single player is short - but going back and getting 3 stars on everything is quite a challenge. Multiplayer sucks for a little while. Well, so far. All these Star 'generals' are wiping the floor with my poor Sgt. Major I ass. Just 'graze' me with a bullet and it's a headshot, but I have to put 2 .50s from my Barret in their chest to put them down. If the little shitheads don't call in a nuke to end the level right there.

Anyone that calls a nuke should not be allowed to play again for 48 hours due to 'radiation burns'. Just MNSHO.

If you're in a hurry, look for a rank up server to pad your stats and classes. I dropped into one by accident for COD5 and had no idea what the heck was going on and left. Someone later had to explained to me what a Rank Up server was. :oops:
I got up to full rank the old fashion being KIA. :lol:

Tell me more about this 'rank up' business! I just 'play', how do I find one of these servers??

I'm at some awful stat, less than 40% death v kill ratio. Friggen people spawn camping with a AC130 gunship. I don't even get 3 steps sometimes before I'm fragged. Gonna go play now. See if I can improve that. Look for me on TS2. I'm in the lobby, because I can't change channels. :(

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:35 pm

Rank up servers are servers that have groups of players that kill each other time after time just to increase their stats to gain all the perks and extra weapons. I've been in servers with just a couple players who've found an empty server just so they can do that. Not sure how you find one other than look in the internet list of servers in the game that are called "Rank-up" servers. Usually you need to be the victim as well and they may tell you that you "owe" them so many deaths. Not sure if it's the same for COD6 since I just played the single player for a couple hours the other day. It was like that for COD4 and COD 5 though. I'll see what I can find out from some of the guys I know.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:19 pm

Regina Regina:
Not sure how you find one other than look in the internet list of servers in the game that are called "Rank-up" servers. Usually you need to be the victim as well and they may tell you that you "owe" them so many deaths.

If there is a way to decide which server I play on, I haven't found it. R=EM

All I have it 'play' and it seems to decide which server I play on. No browsing. Except this evening, I did get to play on what seemed a 'private' server. Quite fun! But I will try to find these 'rank-up' servers. Thanks Reg!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:34 am

I played it online for a bit last night and it's definitely set up different from the previous COD games. I couldn't see and list either and it just plunked me on a server. About the only choice it seemed to give me was the kind of game I wanted to play. I usually play TDM and clicked on it thinking I was going to see a list of servers but instead was dropped into a server. XFire doesn't seem to work with it either. I tried to follow a guy I know onto the server he was playing but it didn't give me the option which it should. Steam seems to be what controls this game......... :?

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:44 am

It seems everything is being dictated by steam these days, all my favorite games are going towards steam now. Like the Total War series. I had gone from enjoying and being able to play the Total War series to Empire: Total War where I had enjoyed it unti'll the point I got a crap load of steam related errors and just gave up trying to fix them.

Steam is good for games like L4D2, however steamizing games like CoD is just downgrading the game. Anyways, regarding that server ranking thing. You will not be-able to find them. Atleast for what I know. What these guys do is they are all on each others friends list. They start a server, invite the rest via steam and just go at it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:47 am

I've been using Stardock Impulse. Check them out if you want an alternative to Steam. I find them much better, and the game selection is growing too...

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:21 am

Think I'll stick to COD5..........

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