Bacardi4206 Bacardi4206:
Let me sum up this game for you all. Like all Half-Life games, the makers have no imagination. Almost all there games are based on popular user submited modifications of there older games. Than they take those ideas that are popular and attempt to make it better and than sell it to the public. Which is what Left 4 Dead is, was a modification for another half-life game.
Although the game itself isn't bad. They started making the sequal to it the moment they finished the developement of the first one and now the 2nd version of the game is almost out. Which is really nothing more than a unnoticeable graphics upgrade and a couple new weapons such as axes, and silencers.
You can get the game and you might have fun playing it, however don't expect to be a fan of the series as you will shortly notice that Valve is nothing more than monger grubbers with a development team who doesn't have there own ideas.
My suggestion is just to wait for Left 4 Dead 2 which will be out soon. ... titioners/$1:
We're going down that path again - this shocking, amazing sense of entitlement that always manifests itself in the gaming community... Valve does not have a habit of screwing people and if there was ever a developer out there I would just kind of give them the benefit of the doubt...
They don't owe you anything. It's a business... Where were you brought up and in what environment where you hugged so overwhelmingly that you feel that you need to be served as the only person that needs to be considered when other people are making commercial properties? It really is a little bit on the naive side and slightly embarrassing... It's kind of juvenile... The Internet, when it comes to games, can be such a nation of whiners...
What he said.