Soooo, the game is finally coming to a conclusion after a year and a half.
My initial successes were countered by the sheer brute strength of the Borg cubes which resulted in a stalemate for the most part along our border. I lost 2 fully armed, max technology main battleships and a mid sized cruiser to one cube in a single battle alone(barely scratched the Cube), plus the Orion managed to steal 2 of my battleships besides that, one of the Empire's Deathstars and a Super Star Cruiser. Probably working off Somalia in their off days.
It didn't help that there was an unexpected glitch in one of the game addons which prevented one of my main defense/offense weapons(a ship that can be used as a decloaker or kamikaze attacker, which is pretty handy let me tell you)from working as it should, basically nullifying my main racial advantage.
I will lay blame on that glitch because there is no way I could be at fault. I am the Master and Commander!
As it was, while me and the Empire were slugging it out against the Borg/Orion alliance the damned Cylons and Lizards(Gorn for you trekkies)snuck up the middle and gained enough ground to put them in a pretty much uncontestable winning position based on our game rules. That and the fact that we were all getting kinda tired after 18 months brought us to vote endgame.
But enough about that. A new thing has happened and it is called VGAPLANETS.NU!!!
More about that in the other thread I will be posting.