herbie herbie:
Might have to do with the fact you're not likely to screw someone with AIDS?
And if they don't tell you they'll be jailed.
If they do tell you and you still want to you WILL protect yourself?
How many are HPV from idiot states and idiot parents saying no to vaccinating young people? Or from dumb policies that won't let educators tell dumb people you can get them from a blow job?
I have to ask the question: for someone so successful as yourself, why do you seem so angry all of the time? Maybe its my imagination but I can picture you in my mind screaming out your posts on here! You know how like when you read a book and you give different voices to all the players in the novel in your mind? I always picture veins bulging out of the side of your head and spit flying out of your mouth as you tell people to get off of your lawn. Lol!!! I apologize if I am out of line, but I can't be the only one thinking this. I just can't be.
I digress. We could be very well having this discussion about Canada.
https://globalnews.ca/news/2364590/grow ... in-canada/How do you explain the rising rates of STD's in Canada? Surely you can't blame the Bible thumpers for the lack of sex ed., or the idiot states and idiot parents saying NO to vaccinations. If all these ignorant, uneducated fools live south of the border, than why the increase of STD's in Canada? Enquiring minds want to know.