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Posts: 52834
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:13 pm
I actually an a customer with Dejardins too. Got fucked by New York Life, so I went to Desjardins.
Posts: 11780
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:12 pm
I'm fucking disappointed. Smoke made for a red sun here on my birthday Tuesday and I didn't get any super powers, just dinner and a book!
Posts: 52834
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:29 pm
You need to get bit by a spider during a red sun. Happy birthday you old fuck! ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif)
Posts: 35267
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 3:21 pm
Happy birthday!
Posts: 15594
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:04 pm
Happy belated birthday herbie. Super powers are over-fucking-blown anyway. 
Posts: 11780
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:57 am
New motto: Never trust anyone over 80....
Posts: 15594
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:01 pm
WTF? I do not have a facebook account but there are organizations with facebook pages (local paper for example) that I periodically go in and view. A pop-up window would prompt logging in but also allowed you to close that window and carry on. Can't fucking do that without logging in now.
Posts: 52834
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:20 am
I'll really be happy for Fall, when these little fucking gnats that like to bounce off my fucking eyeball finally stop hatching.
Posts: 15594
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:03 pm
Starting the fucking process of getting rid of crap we don't need or want anymore. I've filled 3 boxes of good stuff to donate to a local thrift store today and I've barely gotten started.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:27 pm
Fuckin' Windows and the update from hell that they dropped today. Like over a fuckin' hour already as it's doing a clean-up of all the old fuckin' crap it's installed over the years. Fuckin' Microsoft. Fuck! FUCK! ![RTFM [rtfm]](./images/smilies/smilie_rtfm.gif)
Posts: 11780
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:38 pm
Oh FFS, install Linux Mint and be done with the BS.
So my fucking hillbilly hoarder friend returned. He just HAS to 'get the rest of his stuff' from the place he sold. Two days drive each way( oh no, it's only a day and a half behind the wheel!, took a 5 ton truck (least $600 in gas), and as typical he slept overnight in the cab and can't afford a motel when he's here. Instantly reminded why I was glad when they left last time. - can't even feed himself... doesn't eat at all until he 'crashes' with his diabetes and then chugs Orange Crush to help - can't make a bed - married 42 years and can't put down a toilet seat - must leave his boot in the mudroom directly in front of doorway - when you make him supper you must call him away from the tv 3X like a kid, and still doesn't get there until you sit and start eating. His wife didn't come to remind him to wash up before dinner. OMG went out there to help and speed him up on his way. Wants me to bring some wheels and rims into the tireshop for him, he only wants the 'custom rims'. Yeah 14" 40 yr old rims custom before they invented alloy wheels. Needs them cuz all he has to do is put new rubber and swap them with the 17" rims on his wife's Ford Focus and that will make it ride better.... uh huh... $1000 in new rubber if junkyard rims even fit. In one day, he's collected those a half pickup load of absolute junk (old plastic tubs from when he used to develop film, rusty C clamps you can get at Princess Auto for $1, tin cans of nails, a hitch for the tractor he doesn't have anymore, a home made dog shit picker upper that only needs the handle straightened and fork rewelded on, stupid worthless crap like that) The new owners told me I couldn't walk past the shed he was picking, there were so many holes and foot hazards as they hadn't plowed and graded it and wouldn't risk the liability. They've already done more work on the house than has been done since 1988 when I installed party line phones for the owner at the time. Then she did me a huge favour - told him he had til Weds to get his stuff and then he wasn't allowed on the property. He does have an engine stand (if he can get the motor off it after 15 years, a shitty old boat and trailer (I think the outboard starts) and a couple canoes that haven't been in the water this millennia. Might be able to garage sale them in AB and get half his gas money back. He also told me when they rolled the truck and trailer bringing stuff back last trip, insurance covered not a dime. Forgot to add content on the trailer insurance. Forgot to get the truck reinspected when they moved back to AB, so not a cent on the totalled 2006 F150 or anything in it. Fucked completely. I'm going to suggest to his wife she have him assessed by a doctor for early dementia. She won't as she's an equally fucked in the head enabler that's never said NO to him or her kids ever. Like last time when they stayed for 15 days and the only food they bought was gluten free shit and a 24 of Orange Crush... this time he showed up with a half eaten bag of pepperoni, a handful of BabyBels and more fucking Orange Crush.
Like Honest To Fucking God how do people like that make it in 2023?
Posts: 11780
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:45 pm
BTW he gave me a couple things. A box of unopened 5 1/4" floppies and a 286 that's been in the shed since forever. Stopped at the recycle shed on the way home. Already had an old XP p.o.s. to drop off there in the Jeep.
Posts: 11780
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 4:56 pm
Holy shit, just looked at my sales receipt. Never noticed before there's a 20% BC Sales tax on vape products plus GST. 25% added to the sale price. Almost $5 just in added tax! FUCK Time to quit those too.
A friend uses those clear pods too, nicotine free. Paying $5 tax for steam!
Posts: 15594
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:59 pm
We picked a good day to go grocery shopping today, especially for fucking meat. They had family packs of chicken thighs on for "buy one get one free". 8 thighs/pack so for $20.86 (other pack was $19.70) we got 16 good-sized thighs, so about $1.30/thigh. I will be baking 4 of them tonight and we'll vacuum seal the others in 4's to freeze. Also bought a package (just over 1kg) of 4 bone-in center cut pork chops for $8.91 and the receipt claims we saved $7.66. No good deals on steak so we didn't bother as even on sale the decent steaks (2/pack) were still $30. Too fucking much and even the smallish roasts were in the $30 range.
Posts: 15594
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:20 pm
So the same fucking idiot in my building that caused disturbance back in August I mentioned a few pages back went off his meds or on something last night and went fucking nutbar again. This time he went after a car in the parking garage and smashed all of its windows and slashed the tires. Not sure if he was targeting someone or random pick. Also flipped over the recycle bins in front of the building so there was a huge mess of paper, containers and food waste from 9 bins all over the fucking driveway this morning. A neighbour witnessed that and took video which he provided to property manager and police. Fucking cameras we have in parking area and other places would have caught the rest including him stomping around with a hammer in hand. Police came last night and again this afternoon but fuckhead not taken away yet. Claimed it was someone else. Until all video evidence is considered as well as fucking witness accounts there seems to be SFA they'll do. He has mental health issues dontcha know? We're supposed to carry on... If I vanish for more than a few days it'll be because he's burnt the fucking building down. 
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