DerbyX DerbyX:
Don't know. I doubt it. The GST rebate really helped me out when I was a poor student though. I don't qualify for it anymore.
The question is why were businesses crying for it? If it does actually help business be more competitive then its a good thing right?
Personally I think we should adopt the Australians tax system. Tax applied before the end price that consumers see so that the price we see is the price we pay.
ok but how does this make business's more competive ?
what there really trying to do is shift some of the tax burden onto the consumer , which during an economic downturn in ontario does not seem like a very good thing to do .
this tax is going to cost the average ontario resident hundreds of dollars each year , on gasoline alone the extra cost is going to be extremly significant , think an extra 8 % on your typical purchase at the pumps , over an average year its going to equal alot of money . this is not what the ontario economy needs at all .
this is nothing but another tax grab from mcguinty who has shown his lack of concern for the average taxpayer before . he even boosts about how he got away with the health premium tax grab back in 2004 .