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Forum Junkie
Forum Junkie
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:08 am

No body understand occupation better than the Arabs in the entire whole world.

While the word occupation by itself is a bad word if it is used in the contest of occupying someone else’s country; Arabs used this word only to imply that all occupied countries are the non Arabic Moslem countries of the world. You hear them claiming today that they are the aboriginals of the entire Middle East and North Africa; that only Israel is the occupying power there, but the truth is, they only say that because Arabs and Islamists never used occupation in their entire life, they only used submission instead.

Come to look at it at close range, occupation implies temporary stance and therefore the occupied force must leave as a result of not fitting in; Arabs always played and still playing for keep.

Therefore don’t be surprise in case you heard them today again saying that they are the aboriginals of Australia, Spain, Serbia, Cyprus, Malta, Philippine, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the rest of the world including recently their claim of being the real natives of America because Islamists always plan ahead in accordance with the old vision their prophet have for them that implies No non-Moslem can govern Moslems.

Since knowledge come from either theory or practice by which you build skills; for the entire past fourteen centuries, Arabs as Islamists practiced on submitting others using every single method revealed to them in the Quaran, but never ever occupied any country and that why no one left to point to them, and that is a skill in my opinion.

No entity, organization, or government in the entire world is qualified to argue with them about the subject of occupation, because they were, still now, and they will be the masters of occupations for many generations to come.

Through every means in our laws they insert theirs, through every means of our civility and social behavior they insert theirs, and through every means of our religious tolerance they insert their religion as a religion of peace, which is very convenient with our Multiculturalism, but to tell you the truth; their culture doesn’t mix well with ours because it’s cocooned with religious parameters that states reformists are apostates.

How long it took those ancient Middle Eastern and North African to become arabized?

Generations… And that how long it will take our culture to be totally arabized?

No one paid attentions in Serbia, Cyprus, and Lebanon for the baby steps, but the results were as always; first, half the country, and the future will tell how far this will go. And I don’t mean the seen future here because as you remember this submission is played through many, many generations.

“The Mothers of All Battles” that is being fought without mercy all around the globe are to be considered here nothing more than the extended Jihad that Islamists of the past handed its torch to the Islamists of the present, and that by itself hold the secret of why moderate Arabs and Moslems in general are not participating forcefully against it as fighters.

In order for them to represent the true Islam and do what everyone think they should be doing, they will face treason charges even from some of their moderate supporters (Salman Rushdi, and Musharaf are examples), and that just because all moderates will still be living amongst the majority of the Islamists extremisms who are ready to carry on any Fatwa.

After all, isn’t it the issuers of these Fatwas are the ones you expect to be the moderate?

Looking around into the world of Islam make me admits and says, what a great successful concept "turn other people to become the Arab like you."

Did you ever heard of better occupation than this, I know, I didn’t yet…

Do you think I am exaggerating here?

Just scan their history, they came out of HIJAZ spread all over the Middle East, North Africa, and crossed to Europe Spain were they were stopped and forced to recline back.

You want evidence, I’ll give you evidence…

Take a look at Malta TODAY, and ask yourself why and how the Maltese language changed from 100% Italian to 90% Arabic 10% Italian?

Arab only use Occupation as a horror word against Israel to play on the Rosy minded who think they are civilized but have no clue about what the history of civilization went through with the Arab submitters up until today.

Those denialists either have no clue how Arabs submitted with invasion the entire Middle East and North Africa, and how they swallowed every civilization in their way and claimed its achievements as theirs, or they are thinking that this is a right wing exaggeration.

I’ll tell you one thing, either way they are going to be surprised. Which make me wonder, is there any one in this world of ours has the guts to stand in the face of Arabia and say,

What about the Arab Occupation?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:57 am


By Michelle Malkin · September 06, 2004 12:33 AM

An outrageous Jihadi kiddie show that brainwashed Muslim youths about the glories of "martyrdom" is airing again on Palestinian Authority TV. The clip was yanked after a U.S. Senate hearing last year exposed the despicable broadcast. (The PA has received some $1.2 billion in State Department funding/foreign aid from the U.S. over the past decade.) View the chilling video here. According to Israel National News:

The clip has been aired repeatedly in recent weeks after being taken off the air over a year ago following widespread outrage.
At a US Senate Hearing in October 2003, Director of Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) Itamar Marcus displayed extensive documentary evidence that the PA was indoctrinating children to aspire to heroic death as “Shahids” (martyrs for Allah).

Since then, many PA TV clips that encouraged children to seek martyrdom through involvement with terrorism were removed. The removal was ostensibly due to the inability of the PA representative at the Senate hearing to defend the practice, accompanied by extensive outrage from both the print and TV media.

One such clip, which presented a child's death in combat as "sweet," because it was Death for Allah (Shahada), was aired regularly up to the period of condemnations following the October, 2003 Senate hearings.

The clip was taken out of PA TV’s rotation and was not aired for almost a year. Suddenly, according to PMW, the clip is being broadcast again – at least three times in the last two weeks.

The segment, known as thee "Farewell Letter" clip, features an Arab child writing a farewell letter to his parents, glorifying his desire to die. The child then goes out to the combat zone, where he is shot and achieves his death wish. As he falls in death, the words of his letter are sung twice: "How sweet is Shahada (Death for Allah) when I embrace you, my land."

"The revival of this clip now may be an indication that the PA, after having its image blackened due to its involvement in suicide terror, wants to portray itself as the victim by having large numbers of dead and injured children to report to the press,” says Itamar Marcus...

Full lyrics in the child's letter are here. More examples of PA TV's Islamofascist indoctrination are here. My take on Kiddie Suicide Bomber Chic from a few years ago is here. Excerpt:

Human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, famous for their clamorous advocacy of children's rights, stand by silently as Palestine and its sympathizers indoctrinate their youth in the glories of self-destruction. We hear about the evils of child labor in Indian sweatshops and the cruelty of conscripting child soldiers in Sierra Leone. But nothing of the Palestinian barbarians who revel in turning their toddlers and teens into nitroglycerine-wrapped killing machines. These are the ultimate child abusers, willing to sacrifice their own flesh and blood to satisfy a state craving for vengeance while cashing in on financial incentives offered by terrorist insurers.
Listen to the father of a 20-something bomber who killed 21 Israelis at a Tel Aviv discotheque last summer: "I am very happy and proud of what my son did and, frankly, am a bit jealous ... I wish I had done it myself." Listen to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp., where toddlers recite bloodthirsty verses on Sesame Street-like programs: "When I wander into the entrance of Jerusalem, I will turn into a suicide warrior in battle dress! In battle dress!" sang one little girl. "Palestine! Amidst the shooting of the revolution, I turn to you with my blood and the blood of my brother and of the son of my neighbors. My heart will cleanse your image. Allah is great! Allah is great!" warbled another child, while adult leaders coached them on. "Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!" the grown-ups cheered.

Listen to the Saudi ambassador to Britain, who sung the praises of the teen-age Palestinian girl who blew herself up three weeks ago in a Jerusalem market: "You died to honor God's word," Ghazi Algosaibi rhapsodized. "She embraced death with a smile while the leaders are running away from death. Doors of heaven are opened for her."

And listen to Arafat's wife, Suha, goading other Palestinian parents to endorse the suicide/homicide "operations" on Jews: There would have been "no greater honor," Arafat reportedly told a London-based paper this week, than watching her son take his own life for the Palestinian struggle for independence -- if only she had a son. Mrs. Arafat, it should be noted, is safely in Paris, where she and her 6-year-old daughter are seeking respite from "martyrdom" while other people's sons and daughters do the "honor" of splattering themselves and innocent bystanders all over the sidewalks.

Asked whether suicide bombings served the Palestinian cause, Mrs. Arafat responded: "Let me ask: 'What is one's position (supposed to be toward) an enemy who kills father, brother, sister, mother and grandfather in cold blood?' ... Should we remain with arms folded?"

Should we?

An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. The context of both Michelle and Humans arguments are the Muslims are the enemies as they are fanatics, when in fact it is intolerance and indifference that is the enemy. If you don't like it, leave is the argument at home that is frequently brought up if you don't swallow the line my country right or wrong. I wonder if that was on the minds of the people on the top floors of the twin towers on the 11th? Is there intolerance growing in the Arab culture? There most certainly is but that will never be an adequate excuse for mans inhumanity to man. A few days ago children were killed by the hundreds in Russia. Was it excusable? No. Was it expected? Yes. Russians have a home. Chechnyans? Not so much. It does not excuse acts of inhumanity but it explains it. Like a cornered, wounded animal the same rules of nature apply. The lesson here is we have to quit treating one another like animals and demonizing a group to justify war and start treating humans like humans. Tolerance requires more intestinal fortitude and there will be costs for that action but it must not be seen as inaction but as bridge building. Like a child from an abused home it will have its outbursts but they do not define it unless we let it. The Arab world will have it's Usamas and toddler terrorists in training but by letting Michelle Malkin and Human define an entire culture on those terms we are letting the terrorists win. We will never overcome terrorism if we ignore the context of even the most horrendous terrorist acts.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:13 am

get rid of that stupid image of the guy in a diaper being nailed to a post that is on our tvs and around the necks of people who for some ghastly reason think it cool we'll have caught up to them.

Forum Junkie
Forum Junkie
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:42 pm

Scape Scape:
An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. The context of both Michelle and Humans arguments are the Muslims are the enemies as they are fanatics, when in fact it is intolerance and indifference that is the enemy. If you don't like it, leave is the argument at home that is frequently brought up if you don't swallow the line my country right or wrong. I wonder if that was on the minds of the people on the top floors of the twin towers on the 11th? Is there intolerance growing in the Arab culture? There most certainly is but that will never be an adequate excuse for mans inhumanity to man. A few days ago children were killed by the hundreds in Russia. Was it excusable? No. Was it expected? Yes. Russians have a home. Chechnyans? Not so much. It does not excuse acts of inhumanity but it explains it. Like a cornered, wounded animal the same rules of nature apply. The lesson here is we have to quit treating one another like animals and demonizing a group to justify war and start treating humans like humans. Tolerance requires more intestinal fortitude and there will be costs for that action but it must not be seen as inaction but as bridge building. Like a child from an abused home it will have its outbursts but they do not define it unless we let it. The Arab world will have it's Usamas and toddler terrorists in training but by letting Michelle Malkin and Human define an entire culture on those terms we are letting the terrorists win. We will never overcome terrorism if we ignore the context of even the most horrendous terrorist acts.

Naivety, denial, and ignorance are the real terrorists’ mill here. As for human, human never defined anything beyond the Islamists own definition; therefore, you must be an apologist who can’t see beyond the tip of his pointy nose.

I can’t say there is intolerance growing in the Arab culture unless you can provide a trace evidence of that assumed tolerance by you. Historically and politically speaking there was none when Islam burst out of the desert of Hijaz and eliminated every tribe and civilization. There was none before the two world wars when the Mufti of Jerusalem conducted a Jewish hunt in accordance with Hitler’s final solution. There was none when the UN issued resolution number 42 in 1948, yet everyone wants Israel to implement resolution such as number 242, which was the consequence of not implementing resolution 42 in the first place. And there was never ever any tolerance after the establishing of the racist organization that is called “The Arabs League”.


Because four decades of no recognition and boycotts of not only Israelis companies, but also every international company has a Jewish CEO, followed by another decade of rejectionist of any sort of settlement, and followed by another decade of veiled peace with a veil of war that aimed solely on the complete destruction of Israel.

Every Arabic book talks about it and so are all the Islamists prayers, and that is the only tolerance any one with logic can speak off today. There is no doubt what so ever that an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind, and also no doubt that intolerance and indifference are the enemy of any peaceful solution, but then shouldn’t you follow through with your insane theory here and applied it on the Islamists, which you claim that their action is not excused, but rather explained.

Why the people who draw the first blood of hatred instead of negotiating your tolerance methods are always explained and later excused, or excused and later explained in accordance with your PR agenda of the glorification of the collective of hate?

Neither you, me, nor anyone else can even come close to wonder of what was on the minds of the people on the top or the bottom floors of the twin towers, nor the people in the planes that hit those towers that day, but I assure you one thing, what ever was the “EXPLAINED” of yours, it only explained to the entire world as much as the killing of the Russian babies did, BARBARISIM is the only tolerance and eye you can speak off.

We will overcome terrorism and its entire terror of hate context. As for the political issues around the world that is used by the terrorists to legitimate their barbaric action, it would be solved in civilized humanistic manner just because we are in the twenty second century that was called few years ago the Millennium of peace, as I remember. But if Arabs, Islamists, and denialists wants to drag these issues to be solved in accordance with the seven century mentality, then at least they should be as coherent with themselves and accept what they get in response.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:14 pm

human human:
Naivety, denial, and ignorance are the real terrorists’ mill here. As for human, human never defined anything beyond the Islamists own definition; therefore, you must be an apologist who can’t see beyond the tip of his pointy nose.

Wow, a personal attack. Says it all doesn't it? I am apologist for the acts of terror? Hardly. I do know if you treat someone or an entire culture like a dog they tend to bite. Perhaps your not keen on that truth. Tell me in the Koran where it is good to kill for Islam? You can't. Don't bother trying to claim the high ground by determining who drew 1st blood. If you want reap the rewards of the moral high ground your actions must be moral. Ergo, any deviation such as Abu Ghraib is a crime and can not be trivialized or marginalized in contrast to justify them. The message must be how best we all should get along, not who is to blame. If your child wets his diaper do you shoot him or do you change it? You must embrace tolerance not undermine it and realize that there is a cost to it.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:28 pm

Wow, that's like totally banal.

Your posts, far left leaning writings and links would lead one of normal intelligence to believe you are indeed one of many apologists for acts of terror. You can take your ideological root causes and navel gaze to your heart's content - and one day, hopefully not a day you will rue, you may realize you cannot negotiate with arbiters of terrorism.

The message is not 'to all'/can't we just - 'get along' nor is it childish euphemisms. This is not a time for tolerance, it is a time for a Christian Jihad - against terrorists, period, regardless of their ethnicity or religion.

Rise up!!

Rise up I say!!!

CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:58 pm

Far left leanings? You smear Karra. I oppose globalization and free trade, and promote independence for Canada and economic nationalism. I also advocate monetary, democratic and electoral reform. I see no left leaning rant in my position but I see a lack of objectivity in yours.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:08 pm




Read your own post - it explains muchos.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:18 pm

Yes, you and it is a daily occurrence and quite frankly I am getting sick of it. I know I am not alone in that sediment and you have been warned before about your diatribes. If you have a point make it, otherwise quit your yipping.

Forum Junkie
Forum Junkie
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:58 pm

Scape Scape:
human human:
Naivety, denial, and ignorance are the real terrorists’ mill here. As for human, human never defined anything beyond the Islamists own definition; therefore, you must be an apologist who can’t see beyond the tip of his pointy nose.

Wow, a personal attack. Says it all doesn't it? I am apologist for the acts of terror? Hardly. I do know if you treat someone or an entire culture like a dog they tend to bite. Perhaps your not keen on that truth. Tell me in the Koran where it is good to kill for Islam? You can't. Don't bother trying to claim the high ground by determining who drew 1st blood. If you want reap the rewards of the moral high ground your actions must be moral. Ergo, any deviation such as Abu Ghraib is a crime and can not be trivialized or marginalized in contrast to justify them. The message must be how best we all should get along, not who is to blame. If your child wets his diaper do you shoot him or do you change it? You must embrace tolerance not undermine it and realize that there is a cost to it.

Where is the tolerance you speak of resides, if you can’t tolerate someone who’s accusing you of being a mare apologist; yet, you want me to tolerate every single action by the terrorists just to prove to you that denial should be OK for me as it is for you. I am glad for you that you are, but I am not sorry that I can’t.

I have no doubt that if you treat someone like a dog he tend to bite, and that why we awarded Arafat with the Ultimate respect of the Nobel Prize to live up to, but he didn’t because his nurture couldn’t overcome his nature, isn’t it? As for the entire culture stance, let’s take a look in Arabia and Islamya to see how our culture is treated before we make another mockery of our self.

You want me to tell you where the Koran says it is good to kill for Islam, let me give you few examples because I can, and I can from the same high ground I should always maintain as human.

What do you say to this?

Quran Surah 58: She That Disputeth

On the Last Day good Muslims will not love their non-Muslim friends and family members, not even their fathers, sons, or brothers (or their mothers, daughters, or sisters). 22

Quran Surah 59: Exile

Allah cast fear into the hearts of the disbelieving People of the Scripture. Their home in the Hereafter will be the Fire. 2-3

Quran Surah 60: She That is to be Examined

Don't be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah's) enemy. 1

Quran Surah 5: The Table Spread
Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, and tooth for tooth. Non-muslims are wrong doers. 45

Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom. 73

Quran Surah 8: The Spoils of War

Allah will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, and smite their necks and fingers. 12

Disbelievers will be tormented in the Fire. 14

When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell. 15-16

Taste of the doom because ye disbelieve. 35

Those who disbelieve will be gathered into hell. 36

The angels smite the face and backs of disbelievers, saying: "Taste the punishment of burning!" 50

The worst beasts in Allah's sight are the disbelievers. 55

Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence. 65

A prophet may not take captives until he has made a slaughter in the land. 67

But then you have to ask me that if your child wets his diaper do you shoot him or do you change it?

Since I’m still single, I can’t answer for sure about the diaper business of yours, but I can assure your majesty that it is very naïve of you to compare what Arabs and Islamists are doing today with diaper wetting.

I think your ill knowledge of the historical and the political facts is what allowing you to embrace everything is coming at you because (sorry to say) you don’t even understand the concept of tolerance to begin with.

Last edited by human on Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Forum Junkie
Forum Junkie
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:06 pm

karra karra:
Wow, that's like totally banal.

Your posts, far left leaning writings and links would lead one of normal intelligence to believe you are indeed one of many apologists for acts of terror. You can take your ideological root causes and navel gaze to your heart's content - and one day, hopefully not a day you will rue, you may realize you cannot negotiate with arbiters of terrorism.

The message is not 'to all'/can't we just - 'get along' nor is it childish euphemisms. This is not a time for tolerance, it is a time for a Christian Jihad - against terrorists, period, regardless of their ethnicity or religion.

Rise up!!

Rise up I say!!!

You say, rise up to him, I must say, Indeed...

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:12 pm

Yes, you and it is a daily occurrence and quite frankly I am getting sick of it. I know I am not alone in that sediment and you have been warned before about your diatribes. If you have a point make it, otherwise quit your yipping.

Such a thin skin for a wannabe politician, no?

You certainly are not alone in your sediment - I could easily name another half-dozen who no doubt wallow in your wannabe affluent effluent. Go lay with the herders Scape, it seems more your style to bed and embrace them rather than fight those who would destroy and take what is yours and mine.

You surely wouldn't get my vote.

And people wonder why this country is in trouble!

Forum Junkie
Forum Junkie
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:21 pm

Scape Scape:
Far left leanings? You smear Karra. I oppose globalization and free trade, and promote independence for Canada and economic nationalism. I also advocate monetary, democratic and electoral reform. I see no left leaning rant in my position but I see a lack of objectivity in yours.

Far left leanings? You smear Karra.

Where is your tolerance gone, and where is the smear?

I understand opposing globalization, free trade, and promoting Canada's independence, but what is economic nationalism?

On the other hand, you said that you advocate monetary, but you didn't say what phase, category, or type of monetary that is.

Implying knowledge always consume the purpose, isn’t it?

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:02 pm

A Christian Jihad, Karra? Where the hell are you going to run that from? Western democracy, as a rule, practices the separation of church and state. Your buddy George II and that little Harper freak from Alberta may not agree, but they are sad little morons with souls too tarnished to swing a deal for and greedy minds, so they count for little.

Keep your religion out of politics. Your version of Christianity is an embarrassment to every thinking person on the planet.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:15 pm

a Christian jihad, only they call them Crusades and have been having them for more than a thousand years. If I were a Christian I would be embarrassed.

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