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Thriller Chiller

Category:Weird & Strange
Type:world record
guinness record
Date:29 10, 2007
Tags:world, record, toronto, canada, thriller, dance

Toronto played host to a rave from the grave on October 29 when Canada’s undead staged the biggest Thriller dance in history. Using movements created for Michael Jackson’s historic Thriller video, sixty of Toronto’s finest fiends rose to the occasion and, dressed in zombie make-up and shredded clothes, descended on Toronto’s Harbourfront Community Centre where they performed for a baying crowd.

Chief ghoul (and choreographer) Ines Markeljevic hopes to make this a regular event and also plans to stage Thriller dances in cities all over the country, no doubt bringing an extra chill to the fierce Canadian winter.



Poster: WDHIII
Hits: 4349


  1. by avatar kitty
    Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:49 pm

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