Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:41 pm
There can certainly be no definitive answer to this question, since one's opinion on music, art, literature or any other form of artisitic expression is totrally subjective, letalone committing generational suicide by posting here what artists are your personal favorites. That being said, in terms of what Canadian musical artists I personally feel are responsible for making a long-term impact on pop culture LONG TERM, and worldwide i.e.: whose material will still be listened to generations from now, bearing an unmistakable Canadian imprint for the ages, I would have to say:
Bruce Cockburn
Leonard Cohen
Burton Cummings
Gordon Lightfoot
Joni Mitchell
Ian Tyson
Neil Young
That's just me and my generation talking. Twenty years from now, this list could have just as many names that I've listed here that are important right now, but whose influence upon these, the jury is still out upon.