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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 21610
PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:00 am

I am aware. I try to be self-depricating. It lightens conversations if I rip myself a bit.

Last edited by Public_Domain on Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:02 am

Public_Domain Public_Domain:
I am aware. I try to be self-depricating. Lightens conversations if I rip myself a bit.

Okay :lol:

I just read that line and went 8O thinking OMG I just did not read what I think I read. 8)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:03 am

Dang it every time I try to rep you PD it wont let me. I've owed you one for a long time I'll do my best to get you it for a Christmas present :)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:04 am

People are far more comfortable with a person who at least makes an effort to bow, :lol:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:06 am


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:08 am

stratos stratos:
Dang it every time I try to rep you PD it wont let me. I've owed you one for a long time I'll do my best to get you it for a Christmas present :)

Haha, all is good. Take them as I get them, and thankful I've even gotten this far considering where I stand.

I try to be realistic; my words are tripe, just not to me, :lol: Which, I guess, is true for all of us.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:10 am

My words are golden even the misspelled ones :P

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:16 am

Mine are gambles; just waiting for all my victories to disappear in a flash, 8)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:17 am

Public_Domain Public_Domain:
Mine are gambles; just waiting for all my victories to disappear in a flash, 8)

You never want to play poker with me then. 8)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:23 am

I'm good at poker, but I have nothing to bet, ;)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:10 am

Brenda Brenda:
I guess you missed the point where he mentioned that being gay would 'morph' into bestiality, sex with multiple women etc, and that during the slavery days, blacks were actually happy?

Seems you preferred the media/NAACP interpretation of what he said instead of what he ACTUALLY said.
Example: Let's say I'm somebody famous and publicly state that I hate alcohol. I hate that it ruins lives, families and makes people into assholes. You GOTTA know that some jackoff is going to interpret that as me saying something along the lines of, "Anyone who drinks is an asshole".
You see, there's a difference between getting shit on for what you actually say and getting shit on because a handful of morons with major comprehension issues put words in your mouth.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:29 am

rickc rickc:
DrRosen DrRosen:
Why don't you regulars just run them off? If all the sane people just group-decided to put all the borderline personalities and nut-cases on ignore, they'd soon get the message and find other haunts for their negativity.

I don't mean to waltz in here and presume to tell y'all how to do things around here, but forum jerks and bullies can't be jerks without others enabling them. I've learned my lesson already and won't acknowledge anything any of them say again.

Why don't we run them off? Because there would not be a CKA without them. Bart probably starts more threads than the rest of us put together. If I am reading the CKA contributor medal section correctly, he is one of two Americans awarded the medal, and the only current one. Of all the Americans to visit this site, he is one of nine to be awarded the cool yank medal. Only three are current. He is a self made man. A well traveled man. He has served his country in combat numerous times. He is willing to fight for Canada. He owns property, and pays taxes in Canada. He makes financial contributions to CKA. He calls people out, and challenges them to make financial contributions to CKA. He puts his money where his mouth is. He is a well respected member of the CKA community. Who are you again?

Martin travels around the world. Martin is a photo buff. One of Martins greatest contributions to this site is a photo gallery of Canadian military gravesites in Europe. I suggest you check it out. Spend some time looking at the endless rows of headstones of brave Canadian men who gave everything so we can bicker on this website today. Martin possesses a wealth of knowledge about Canadian military history. Martin spends considerable time living, and working in Europe. Martin has his finger on the pulse of what is happening in Europe today. He is our go to guy if you will. Once again, who the fuck are you?

You brought all this on yourself. if you had a difference of opinion with Fiddledog on this topic, then you should have made a post to debate his point of view. That's what we do here. We debate. We voice our opinions on subjects. You chose to blindside Fidddledog, and make a personal attack on him. Its a classic tactic of bullies. Your the new guy. You want to fit in. You pick someone on the fringe of our group to attack. You did your homework. You read through some posts, and picked a controversial,outspoken member of our group to attack. To your credit, (and our shame), it worked for you. You have a few people slapping you on the back and congratulating you. How ironic!!! This thread is about some redneck voicing his unfavorable opinion about homosexuals. Everyone wants to get on board the condemnation train for that one. But when someone makes an unprovoked personal attack on one of our own rightwing members.......the silence is deafening. A pretty disgusting display of apathy IMO. Only Martin, Bart, and Thanos came to his defense. Who does Fiddledog offend? He has his views. He voices his opinions. I never see him being rude or insulting to a member of this board. I never see him get a warning for his conduct. I particularly like how certain members of our board (who themselves are on the fringes of society) piled on when the venom was aimed at Martin. You know you are. You are the ones most in need of someone to stand up for you. Your political, and or religious beliefs put you at the lowest rungs of western society. You are at the tip of the spear of all this surveillance that is going on. You are the people most likely to "disappear" when the shit hits the fan. You had bettor hope your fellow citizens are more concerned than you have been. If this would have been an episode of "what would you do?", we would be getting a big fat F!!!

You acted like a bully in this thread. You attacked and insulted one of our members for no reason. When Martin called you on it on your rep points, you attacked him with personal insults. Things you would never say to his face. A classic mark of the internet tough guy. They are all pussies in real life. You went from being a bully to whining about being a victim of bulling yourself. You called Bart a name on his profile that you would never call him to his face. If you did, DrRosen would be needing a Doctor! That's for damn sure! You lack the balls to debate Fiddledog. Martin and Bart take you to task for it on your rep points. You flip out and resort to personal insults (at a very safe distance), now you are on here telling us to ban them!!! That's a laugh. They are at the heart and soul of CKA. You are telling us that your are done responding to them. You are going to put them on ignore? You get a neg rep point, and you throw in the towel. Could you be any more of a lightweight? Seems like you can dish it out (from a distance, or when no one is looking) but you can't take it. I would like to take a vote for a new medal for CKA. Lets call it the lightweight medal, for people who can dish it out, but not take it. I nominate you to be the first recipient.

Clearly, not everyone shares the same degree of hero worship as you. At least your rant ensures your gold card membership in the cabal.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:24 am

rickc rickc:
Why don't we run them off? Because there would not be a CKA without them.

Two people make the whole forum? I don't think so. There seem to be lots of contributors.

rickc rickc:
Bart probably starts more threads than the rest of us put together. If I am reading the CKA contributor medal section correctly, he is one of two Americans awarded the medal, and the only current one. Of all the Americans to visit this site, he is one of nine to be awarded the cool yank medal. Only three are current.

That is praise-worthy, provided that those contributions are positive.

rickc rickc:
He is a self made man. A well traveled man. He has served his country in combat numerous times. He is willing to fight for Canada. He owns property, and pays taxes in Canada. He makes financial contributions to CKA. He calls people out, and challenges them to make financial contributions to CKA. He puts his money where his mouth is. He is a well respected member of the CKA community. Who are you again?

I'm just a slightly homesick guy living in the US looking for a little news and discussion of my home country. So making financial contributions to the site is a license to be an asshole and get away with it? Bart has served in combat eh? How do you know that? Because he says so?

rickc rickc:
Martin travels around the world. Martin is a photo buff. One of Martins greatest contributions to this site is a photo gallery of Canadian military gravesites in Europe. I suggest you check it out. Spend some time looking at the endless rows of headstones of brave Canadian men who gave everything so we can bicker on this website today. Martin possesses a wealth of knowledge about Canadian military history. Martin spends considerable time living, and working in Europe. Martin has his finger on the pulse of what is happening in Europe today. He is our go to guy if you will. Once again, who the fuck are you?

I checked out some of martin's photos and they're excellent. He has talent. Does that, like Bart's money get him a license to be an asshole?

rickc rickc:
You brought all this on yourself. if you had a difference of opinion with Fiddledog on this topic, then you should have made a post to debate his point of view. That's what we do here. We debate. We voice our opinions on subjects. You chose to blindside Fidddledog, and make a personal attack on him. Its a classic tactic of bullies. Your the new guy. You want to fit in. You pick someone on the fringe of our group to attack. You did your homework. You read through some posts, and picked a controversial,outspoken member of our group to attack. To your credit, (and our shame), it worked for you. You have a few people slapping you on the back and congratulating you. How ironic!!!

Hold on. All I did was call Fiddledog a nutjob. Is that a personal attack? Maybe a little, but given the nutty stuff he posts it's an more an accurate and relatively benign observation than a personal attack. I never had any discussions nor interaction with either Bart or Martin but they decided to swoop in and pile on the new guy defending Fiddledog's loony ramblings. There were two bullies that escalated this to its current level of silliness and neither of them is me. If calling someone nutty for posting nutty comments is a "personal attack" then I'll retract it, but I think you're grossly exagerating what I said about Fiddledog. He's an adult, no? He can defend himself, no? He doesn't need any henchmen to fly in and defend his honour, does he?

rickc rickc:
This thread is about some redneck voicing his unfavorable opinion about homosexuals. Everyone wants to get on board the condemnation train for that one.

Who called whom a "fag" on this thread?

rickc rickc:
But when someone makes an unprovoked personal attack on one of our own rightwing members.......the silence is deafening. A pretty disgusting display of apathy IMO. Only Martin, Bart, and Thanos came to his defense.

Again, I made no attack, only a benign observation. Actually I posed a question:

DrRosen DrRosen:
I suppose I have to spend more time around here to expect to get to know all the various posters but a quick perusal of this Fiddledog person's posts tells me that he/she is the resident nutjob, right?

rickc rickc:
Who does Fiddledog offend? He has his views. He voices his opinions. I never see him being rude or insulting to a member of this board. I never see him get a warning for his conduct.

Again, I read some of his loony posts. All I did was ask if he was a kook or not. That's not a personal attack. The personal attacks began when Bart and Martin swarmed in on me for daring to ask such a question (a question that was overwhelmingly answered in the affirmative by the majority of regulars who responded).

rickc rickc:
You acted like a bully in this thread. You attacked and insulted one of our members for no reason.

Again, incorrect.

rickc rickc:
When Martin called you on it on your rep points, you attacked him with personal insults.

Pardon? Martin didn't "call me on it", he called me a "fag". That's where the personal attacks began. Did he (or Bart) engage me on the thread? Nope, they pushed me in the back instead of speaking to me like men. Nobody who served in combat would make such a cowardly engagement.

rickc rickc:
Things you would never say to his face. A classic mark of the internet tough guy. They are all pussies in real life. You went from being a bully to whining about being a victim of bulling yourself. You called Bart a name on his profile that you would never call him to his face. If you did, DrRosen would be needing a Doctor! That's for damn sure!

You know this how? Beacuse Bart claims to be a big tough guy? Yeah sure. He's tough alright. Maybe I'm a black belt or maybe just a big, strong farm kid, half Bart's age. How do you know that he wouldn't be the one in need of a doctor, wearing his own asshole for a necktie? The internet toughguy is clearly he if he's got you believing he's some goddamn GI Joe.

rickc rickc:
You lack the balls to debate Fiddledog.

How so? Fiddledog had the opportunity to respond to the question I posed. He hasn't yet.

rickc rickc:
Martin and Bart take you to task for it on your rep points.

Because they swooped in before ever speaking to me on the forums. If either had engaged me in conversation and from that determined that I needed a red square for my behaviour, fine, I can take it. What they did was to cowardly attack rather than let Fiddledog respond.

rickc rickc:
You flip out and resort to personal insults

nope, that was martin that started that with the "fag" comment.

rickc rickc:
(at a very safe distance), now you are on here telling us to ban them!!! That's a laugh.

I just asked why it is that a Canadian message board would put up with such anti-Canadian sentiment. I've got the answer to that now: because they give money and take nice pictures.

rickc rickc:
They are at the heart and soul of CKA.

Two ultra-rightwing people are the heart and soul of a Canadian forum? Really?

rickc rickc:
You are telling us that your are done responding to them. You are going to put them on ignore?

I came here to talk to level-headed people sharing Canadian values. Not ultra-right, climate-change denying, aggressive, rude and threatening conspiracy nuts.

rickc rickc:
You get a neg rep point, and you throw in the towel. Could you be any more of a lightweight? Seems like you can dish it out (from a distance, or when no one is looking) but you can't take it. I would like to take a vote for a new medal for CKA. Lets call it the lightweight medal, for people who can dish it out, but not take it. I nominate you to be the first recipient.
I can take a neg rep. It'd be nice if I got if from the person I was engaged with rather than from behind by one his henchmen. We don't defend our own honour around here, eh? We have others swoop in and do it for us?

I appreciate your comments, rick, and you've stated your opinion articulately. But you're basing most of it on a false assumption. The personal attacks came first from martin, then from Bart. I only responded in kind.

And for everyone else, I apologize for hijacking this thread into something about me. That was never my intention. I got my back up and that's not like me. I'll try to hold myself to a higher standard moving forward.

Last edited by DrRosen on Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:25 am

DrRosen DrRosen:
Gunnair Gunnair:
Thanos Thanos:

I like the cut of your jib. We should keep you. +5 inbound to counteract Martin being his usual nasty dickhole self. [B-o]

That -5 from Bart might have jealousy for Martin scooping the nut job label. :lol:

I see there's at least a couple of unCanadian folks around a site that's supposed to be Canada kicks ass. Curious, but noted. So are Bart and martin the only dickheads who feel threatened enough by the new guy to slam a red square as a welcome or should I expect to meet some unCanadian retards here?

Maybe you should just shut your fucking mouth and actually contribute to threads instead of acting like an asshole and firing the insults around because you don't agree with what's been said by certain posters.
Adults debate, children resort to name calling without debating. Christ, I got red squared within my first few posts when I joined. I didn't resort to name calling and crying about it in the forums, and in fact, the guy that neg repped me(Public Domain) is now someone I get along with.

Grow the fuck up already!

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:29 am

PublicAnimalNo9 PublicAnimalNo9:
DrRosen DrRosen:
I see there's at least a couple of unCanadian folks around a site that's supposed to be Canada kicks ass. Curious, but noted. So are Bart and martin the only dickheads who feel threatened enough by the new guy to slam a red square as a welcome or should I expect to meet some unCanadian retards here?

Maybe you should just shut your fucking mouth and actually contribute to threads instead of acting like an asshole and firing the insults around because you don't agree with what's been said by certain posters.
Adults debate, children resort to name calling without debating. Christ, I got red squared within my first few posts when I joined. I didn't resort to name calling and crying about it in the forums, and in fact, the guy that neg repped me(Public Domain) is now someone I get along with.

Grow the fuck up already!

That's an ironic post. :lol:

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