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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:33 pm

Thanos Thanos:
You'd think it would be common sense not to behave that way around other people, especially at a meeting that's supposed to be a serious thank-you to men who earned it, who served a country that despised them. Kind of have to give up on some of this now. If they can't see that a president of the United States shouldn't be behaving like a boorish asshole practically all the time then talking to them is just a waste of time.

Maybe it's all funny to them. I don't know anymore. Don't care anymore either. I guess if one of their precious "wins" justifies any sort of behaviour then it's really all the rest of us need to know.

I guess it is kind of funny. I get called a racist and a fascist by white supremacists on a regular basis these days.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:44 pm

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
I get called a racist and a fascist by white supremacists on a regular basis these days.

That's awful. You're much more of a socialist than a fascist. :lol:

As to that racist bit I do believe you're into the healthy lifestyle of running 5k, 10k, and half-marathons so I suppose the racist bit would apply. [B-o]

I hope you have a great weekend! [BB]

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:50 pm

I guess it is kind of funny. I get called a racist and a fascist by white supremacists on a regular basis these days.

I guess so. When their all worshipped leader acts like an eight year old you gotta expect "I know you are but what am I"? as a standard response.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2943
PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:02 pm

fifeboy fifeboy:

My lie? What lie is that?
And besides, no one has answered my question (which was) : Who decides who is a Cherokee? Do you know? If you do than please inform me as I don't. And how pissed are "real Cherokees" about this? Who decides if they are "real"or not. I'm guessing not you!

On a side note this stuff has been going on for a while. I graduated from the University of Louisville in '71 and knew a number of "Cherokee Princesses. I'm sure all of them had history going back to Sequoyah 8O

i will answer your question. cherokee nation decides who is a cherokee. ... itizenship
its pretty simple really. they have a roll of people that actually were cherokee. if you can provide documents proving that you are a blood relative of someone who is on that list, than you are in. would you care to guess who cannot provide any documentation proving that they are related by blood to someone on the list? that would be one lying, cheating, recipe stealing, non dna test taking, sen. warren.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2943
PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:33 pm

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
I don't know squat about Elizabeth Warren. But referring to a native (or, in Elizabeth Warren's case, someone who claims to be native)as "Pocahontas" is a racial slur. Like calling a black guy "Toby." Like calling an East Indian "Haji." If you defend these terms you're as rascist as the person using them.

i call bullshit! if people were calling a white blond haired blue eyed guy that was pretending to be black "tobey", blacks and whites alike would be laughing at his dumb ass. no one, and i mean no one would be calling it racist. no one would be coming to his defense, nor should they. some people are deserving of ridicule. people like sen. warren. she is a fraud, a liar, and a plagiarist. she deserves all the scorn that she gets. i do not see any cherokee coming to her rescue, do you?

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:32 pm

rickc rickc:
fifeboy fifeboy:

My lie? What lie is that?
And besides, no one has answered my question (which was) : Who decides who is a Cherokee? Do you know? If you do than please inform me as I don't. And how pissed are "real Cherokees" about this? Who decides if they are "real"or not. I'm guessing not you!

On a side note this stuff has been going on for a while. I graduated from the University of Louisville in '71 and knew a number of "Cherokee Princesses. I'm sure all of them had history going back to Sequoyah 8O

i will answer your question. cherokee nation decides who is a cherokee. ... itizenship
its pretty simple really. they have a roll of people that actually were cherokee. if you can provide documents proving that you are a blood relative of someone who is on that list, than you are in. would you care to guess who cannot provide any documentation proving that they are related by blood to someone on the list? that would be one lying, cheating, recipe stealing, non dna test taking, sen. warren.

And thank you Rick. An answer, I appreciate it. Nice to discuss the subject with someone who does not put all sorts political garbage into their answer. In Canada First Nation membership is dictated by the Feds but Iindividual bands appear to have some say. What I found interesting was that a number of people are "really Cherokee " but fall outside the jurisdiction of the three main Cherokee groups. We have that here with "Metis and non-status Indians." Some of who look more native than treaty Indians and still make their living off the land. Thanks again.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:38 pm

herbie herbie:
If the veterans were offended or not is moot. The point is the ignorant pig Trump is too stupid to know or care if it's offensive and said it.

So give up skirting around the FACT the President is a complete boor.

Probably another one of their lies. Conveniently sized for them to put on a meme picture too. Ought to work out well for them when Trump goes to the civil rights memorial, cuts a bunch of watermelon & chicken jokes, and they "conveniently" find some black guy who says "I wasn't offended at all!".

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2943
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:11 am

fifeboy fifeboy:
rickc rickc:
fifeboy fifeboy:

My lie? What lie is that?
And besides, no one has answered my question (which was) : Who decides who is a Cherokee? Do you know? If you do than please inform me as I don't. And how pissed are "real Cherokees" about this? Who decides if they are "real"or not. I'm guessing not you!

On a side note this stuff has been going on for a while. I graduated from the University of Louisville in '71 and knew a number of "Cherokee Princesses. I'm sure all of them had history going back to Sequoyah 8O

i will answer your question. cherokee nation decides who is a cherokee. ... itizenship
its pretty simple really. they have a roll of people that actually were cherokee. if you can provide documents proving that you are a blood relative of someone who is on that list, than you are in. would you care to guess who cannot provide any documentation proving that they are related by blood to someone on the list? that would be one lying, cheating, recipe stealing, non dna test taking, sen. warren.

And thank you Rick. An answer, I appreciate it. Nice to discuss the subject with someone who does not put all sorts political garbage into their answer. In Canada First Nation membership is dictated by the Feds but Iindividual bands appear to have some say. What I found interesting was that a number of people are "really Cherokee " but fall outside the jurisdiction of the three main Cherokee groups. We have that here with "Metis and non-status Indians." Some of who look more native than treaty Indians and still make their living off the land. Thanks again.

well i won't pretend that i am not injecting politics into my answers, i am. there is just something about well to do people gaming the system that really pisses me off. its like the journalist that is always railing against rent controlled apartments, and then we learn that said journalist is living in a rent controlled apartment. its like the guy parking his mercedes a few blocks away from the intersection where he begs for a living, or the pantry where he steals food from the poor. every day in my city i see homeless people getting arrested for being homeless. the city does not want the homeless bothering the tourists, or even being seen by the tourists. its like disneyland, we create the perfect illusion for the tourist. these homeless have no money. they can not make bail. they spend months in jail. come trial they may get a really sweet deal to take a bus ticket out of town and time served. people who prepare food to give to the homeless get arrested (and the food confiscated) for not being properly licensed by the health department to serve food. the down and out do not get many breaks in my town. what few breaks they do get should actually go to them and not some well to do asshole gaming the system.

its the same for the native americans. they got a raw deal. we have a few programs for them to try and even the score. the last thing we need is some non native american asshole taking away from what little they get. as a canadian you can not appreciate just how rare native americans are on the us. east coast. i was born and raised on the east coast. i had never seen in person a native american (chief jay strongbow does not count, like warren, he was a fraud) untill i was 21 years old. that was in canada. the tobique had a reservation in new brunswick. i always thought that they were red before that, imagine my surprise. i have been to every state on the east coast, and never seen one. over four years in the military and never seen one in there either. that is how thorough their removal from the american east was. they do not call it the trail of tears for nothing. if a company wants to use affirmative action to artificially create some diversity in the workplace (the rights and wrongs of affirmative action can wait for another thread) than they should get what they are looking for. if they really want a native american, than get one. don't hire some white bitch that looks like she just got off of the boat from scandinavia and pass her off as a native american. it is an insult to real native americans. my dog probably more native american dna than warren. she lied to get a job at harvard, full stop. harvard did no background checks whatsoever. they loved touting how they had a native american on their payroll. they did not. they had a lying, cheating, plagiarizing bitch on their payroll.

lately everyone is calling out all these people who have sexually abused/harassed people in their past. they are demanding that they step down from their position of power seeing as how they have broken the public's trust. i say it is way past time to call out sen.warren. she has broken the trust. she has abused the system. it is way past time for her to answer for her actions. it is way past time for non native americans to stop excusing her theft from the native americans. she is stealing from them. non native americans do not get to grant her a free pass for her transgressions against native americans any more than i get to pardon andrew jackson.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:47 am

rickc rickc:
Zipperfish Zipperfish:
I don't know squat about Elizabeth Warren. But referring to a native (or, in Elizabeth Warren's case, someone who claims to be native)as "Pocahontas" is a racial slur. Like calling a black guy "Toby." Like calling an East Indian "Haji." If you defend these terms you're as rascist as the person using them.

i call bullshit! if people were calling a white blond haired blue eyed guy that was pretending to be black "tobey", blacks and whites alike would be laughing at his dumb ass. no one, and i mean no one would be calling it racist. no one would be coming to his defense, nor should they. some people are deserving of ridicule. people like sen. warren. she is a fraud, a liar, and a plagiarist. she deserves all the scorn that she gets. i do not see any cherokee coming to her rescue, do you?


That got me to thinkin'....

Do you know who Shaun King is? He's kind of the male Rachel Dolezal. Not black. Says he is. BLM leader.


So let's say, I say, "You're no Martin Luther King, Shaun King."

Who have I offended? Maybe Shaun King. Probably MLK, but I doubt anybody would come forward to admit it. Who else though?

Last edited by N_Fiddledog on Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:52 am

So I suggest the only one with actual reason to be offended by Trump connecting Elizabeth Warren to Pocahontas is Pocahontas.

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:54 pm

N_Fiddledog N_Fiddledog:
rickc rickc:
Zipperfish Zipperfish:
I don't know squat about Elizabeth Warren. But referring to a native (or, in Elizabeth Warren's case, someone who claims to be native)as "Pocahontas" is a racial slur. Like calling a black guy "Toby." Like calling an East Indian "Haji." If you defend these terms you're as rascist as the person using them.

i call bullshit! if people were calling a white blond haired blue eyed guy that was pretending to be black "tobey", blacks and whites alike would be laughing at his dumb ass. no one, and i mean no one would be calling it racist. no one would be coming to his defense, nor should they. some people are deserving of ridicule. people like sen. warren. she is a fraud, a liar, and a plagiarist. she deserves all the scorn that she gets. i do not see any cherokee coming to her rescue, do you?


That got me to thinkin'....

Do you know who Shaun King is? He's kind of the male Rachel Dolezal. Not black. Says he is. BLM leader.


So let's say, I say, "You're no Martin Luther King, Shaun King."

Who have I offended? Maybe Shaun King. Probably MLK, but I doubt anybody would come forward to admit it. Who else though?

It's Talcum-X! :lol:

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