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CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:05 pm

they are fighting for their homelands

What part of Omar being born in Canada to Egyptian parents, being repeated ad infinitum ad nauseam, hasn't sunk in yet??

Active Member
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:16 pm

i was just trying to illustrate that this idea of persecuting him because he was not in uniform is a little ridiculous.

im not trying to say khadr is innocent of killing the medic, nor am i happy with the fact that he is a canadian citizen. but its rather scary to me to see everyone so complicit in his torture and detainment without any trial.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 12349
PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:31 pm

No one here is complicit in Khadr's torture. Frankly, that's an offensive thing to say. I don't condone Gitmo or the handling of detainees there. Khadr should have been tried years ago. But I don't get to tell the US Army what to do. If Khadr's treatment had gone as IT SHOULD have, he'd have been tried 8 years ago, then executed. Go ask Omar whether he'd rather have been executed or fed the cock-meat sandwich for the past 8 years. As bad as his treatment has been, and I agree with you on that point, it's been better than he deserved.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:13 pm

The irony of it all is that, if Khadr had never gone to Gitmo and had been tried in a US federal court instead, we'd probably never ever have to worry about him ever returning to Canada. The federal courts have been giving out such long sentences to terrorists that, even as a juvenile, Khadr probably would have ended up in a Supermax penetentiary for the rest of his natural life.

Going through the military comission process turned out to be the worst move the Americans made with Khadr. Well, next to not just outright killing the little fucker on the battlefield eight years ago. Using a tainted and mostly discredited process breathed too much life into this nonsense and actually ended up giving the monstrous little bastard some validity that he certainly does not deserve.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:43 am

Gunnair Gunnair:
EyeBrock EyeBrock:
He's right though DD, under the Geneva Convention he's not classed as a soldier.

If you look at the recent UN declarations though he could be seen to be a 'child soldier'.

I'm not really a fan of that argument as it certainly doesn't stand up to previous examples of non uniformed soldiers. The US posters here seem to have forgotten their own roots - the minutemen of Lexington and Concord were not uniformed soldiers, but were a local militia. The Maquis of France, or any other resistance group under the Nazi occupations did not run around in recognizable uniforms either.

I prefer to focus not on the fact that these people don't wear uniforms, but that many of them target civilians, civilian targets such as schools. In the case of Khadr, I focus on the fact that he was a Canadian fighting against our allies. That's treason in my mind. I'd love to see him charged for that once he gets back.

Yes but a large part of the debate about Omar doesnt refer to his guilt, but to his status.

The Maquis knew full well if they were captured they would be executed on the spot.
I'm sure quite a few milita in the Revolutionary War were shot as well.
SOE agents parachuted into Europe knew the score.

At the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, about 400 German soldiers dressed as US personnel infiltrated the lines to create a mess. Some of them were shot for it.

I read a story on a WW2 forum, about a New Zealander, VC winner, sniper.
Some revisionists were trying to have his medals stripped, because at some point in
Italy he used a German cammo raincoat.
Not the whole uniform mind you, just the smock.

The debate went back and forth, and the question popped up what would have happened
if he had been captured.

Majority opinion was that the Germans would have been perfectly justified in shooting him, and those who did would not be guilty of murder.

I'm also pretty sure Canadian soldiers get the lecture about,
' if you wear the enemy uniform, or no uniform, you can forget about GC protection. '

Omar should have been shot immediately. As is was, some American soldiers decided
to get all PC about it and kicked him up the line, leading to the clusterfuck we have today.

CKA Elite
CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:10 am

EyeBrock EyeBrock:
You are not getting this demian. Khadr is a Canadian citizen, not an Afghani. He killed a US Army medic tending wounded in Afghanistan. The US are our allies, they invoked Article 6 of the NATO treaty. This isn't the Brit's fighting a Nazi German invasion that didn't happen.

This happened.

A 15 year-old Canadian citizen, born in Canada, attacked and killed a US Army medic in Afghanistan.

No little hypothetical ‘stories’ to illuminate the point required. It speaks for itself.

Why is this so difficult to get your head around?

Its because they view the US presence in Afghanistan as the oppressors, the evil ones here EB. Unfortunately alot of the kadhr fans view it this way. That's why they take this approach. It's so deep rooted the fact that he's a canadian citizen becomes moot to them. But I'm sure it will become relevant again just watch when these same people will champion along side him in his lawsuit against us. A lawsuit for getting caught.

I feel there was some really slimey things going on behind the scenes as far as kadhr getting advice from his Canadain lawyers back home all in the interest to be honest of turning him into a political foot ball with the hopes of making alot of money down the road. He could of got this process started back in 2005 in gitmo but from advice from his lawyers delayed it, also he fired a few of them along the way. Delaying the process even further. The longer he stayed in gitmo the bigger the lawsuit when he gets back here.

But then that's our fault. Give him 10 million and everything will be ok.

CKA Elite
CKA Elite

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:38 pm

Someone will whack the xxxx as soon as he gets out, mark my words. Good riddance

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:00 pm

I hope they get the rest of his pack too.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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Posts: 4332
PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:44 am

Someone will whack the xxxx as soon as he gets out, mark my words. Good riddance

Maybe a patriotic Canadian will do it to him inside.. everyone knows that even cons have a code of honor and im sure one will want to make a name for himself like that guy that did in Jeffery Dahmer..

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