Tricks Tricks:
I play MW2 every day haha
Ditto. You play with the CKA clan?
Yes, the hackers are outrageous. But, there are ways to piss them off, and I am left with the satisfaction they will eventually be banned.
Worst over hyped? Bioshock. I bought it, and didn't make it of the elevator. Something about it was incompatible with my system, or it was just crap. I couldn't reconfigure the keyboard. I couldn't figure out how to even get off the damn elevator. I uninstalled it, and it left behind it's crappy DRM that screwed my system even further. Their support was useless, when you got someone who spoke enough English to understand you. What a waste of my time.
Second on the list, Dawn of War II. Don't get me wrong. I have played Warhammer 40k for nearly 20 years, and I have all the Dawn of War games. But that one was disappointing to me. Not just because of the overwhelming DRM, but because it was so repetitive. You have to figure out the one 'line' to take to win the objective, and it takes dozens of tries to succeed. By the time you get sufficiently advanced, you find you are screwed because you took too long, and you have to restart the whole thing to be able to win the game.
At least MW2 runs, runs well, and is a lot of fun. Not as much as Unreal Tournament 3, but that game had dedicated servers that were open to modding.