Something I want to point out is that when they find this/these SOBs I hope they get the max penalty..... oh wait. That'll be like 10 years with good behaviour.
The guy who shot the cops is dead too. I don't think he's going to court.
Legalizing maijuana could effectively pay the national debt.
Yes it could.
The only thing is Mustang, do you really think the criminal element really would be gone after legalizing Pot? Nope, they would just move onto something else. Plus the fact dope dealers are not only selling pot, but most of the other drugs so they're not going anywhere and you wouldn't stop anything.
Grow-ops tend to be pretty much just pot. The organised crime that they revolve around is involved in other drugs, but that is usually kept in a separate location.
The fact that dope dealers usually sell other drugs as well is a reason for legalizing pot, not continuing its prohibition. We are exposing people who would otherwise break no laws or consider no other drugs to people who would very much like them to use harder, addictive drugs.
Dope kills brain cells
At a much lower rate than alcohol. Some studies suggest that it doesn't kill brain cells at all.
worse for your lungs than tabacco
Nobody smokes twenty-five joints a day.
and cause a restriction of motor skills and judgement.
isn't that kind of the point?