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CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:38 am

Tricks Tricks:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
Scape Scape:
^^ root cause of this is the deliberate obfuscation to the point they have NO IDEA what the principal issue is.

It is fun to watch though. I wonder if the people othering the LGBTQ2+ community know they are using the same tropes the bible thumpers have been using for 60 years.

Sure they do. Cause it works. It worked 60 years ago and it's working again now.

But not all of the people repeating the tropes agree with bible thumping. Some are actually against it. That's what is fun. :)

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:06 pm

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
But not all of the people repeating the tropes agree with bible thumping. Some are actually against it. That's what is fun. :)

I don't think they all believed it 60 years ago either. It's only been a tool to be used to oppress.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:03 am

Tricks Tricks:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
But not all of the people repeating the tropes agree with bible thumping. Some are actually against it. That's what is fun. :)

I don't think they all believed it 60 years ago either. It's only been a tool to be used to oppress.

Absolutely. A lot of people use the guise of Religion as a vector to discriminate against the people who are different. When you point out that their book says that people are created in 'his' image, they change the subject quickly because that disagrees with hatred. They point to the part of their book where it says you should stone people like that to death. But when you point out that part of the book was dismissed by the person they claim to follow, they list off 10 things they have to do in order to be seen as 'fit' in the eyes of their deity. And when you bring up in that book; Matthew 22:34 where the non-believers try to pull a fast one and ask the guy what he thinks the most important of those 10 things are, he says " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ".

I measure each 'Christian' by that statement. If they hate their neighbour, they aren't Christian by definition. If they quote the Old Testament, and ignore the teaching of the New Testament, they are not Christian.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:14 am

Nothing turns people in to atheists and agnostics faster than fundamentalists.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 5:13 am

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:19 am

I've been trying to figure out where to post this and this thread will work.

Comedian Russell Peters doesn't pull punches in climate of 'cancel culture,' 'political correctness'
Russell Peters went from a challenging childhood where he was the target of bullying to become one of the biggest names in comedy, known for his sharp observational humour about ethnicity, race and cultural stereotypes.

Rolling Stone magazine lists the 52-year-old Indo-Canadian who was raised in Brampton, Ont. as one of the 50 best comics of all time. He was also one of the highest paid in the world, according to Forbes Magazine; and in 2007, the first comedian to sell out the Air Canada Centre.

Pretty impressive.

It’s why when CTV W5 decided to look into how political correctness, "cancel" and "woke culture" were affecting the comedy scene -- given the backlash meted out to high profile comics like Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais over their transgender jokes and the notorious slap after actor Will Smith took offence to a comment about his wife, from Chris Rock at the Oscars -- Peters, the man with a reputation for not pulling any punches, became our first choice to interview.

The clip of the interview is quite good and worth watching because he makes some really valid points. He is definitely one of my favourite comedians.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:42 am


I don't understand how Chapelle, Gervais, and Rock were 'cancelled', when they sell out shows every night.

CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:24 pm

CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:31 pm

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CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 12:17 pm

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:11 pm

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CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:41 pm

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:10 am

What is wokeness? Well, this old gem would successfully get Tom Petty cancelled if he were still alive today, just like ancient tweets from the early '10's have resulted in dogma-dictated punishment for other transgressors. The lyrics are just wrong, being about a Southern boy that doesn't hate the place he was born in for it's unforgivable sins, about being "born a rebel" instead of the nonsensical "oh god, oh god, I'm so sorry for how bad we/I hurt you, never forgive us we'll never ever deserve it" sort of tripe that would be demanded today.....

Also, back in the day, Tom would wave a Confederate flag on stage for this and some of his other songs. Guess that would mean actual lawsuits and even jail time today, not just cancellation for getting into major trouble with the the uptights in the self-righteous pudding gang that's taken over all of contemporary discourse. :roll:

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:58 am

Thanos Thanos:
Also, back in the day, Tom would wave a Confederate flag on stage for this and some of his other songs.

Actually, wokeness would be more like Tom Petty realizing what waving that flag actually meant, and apologizing for ever doing it. You know, realizing when and being sorry for when your actions hurt others.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:28 am

Thanos Thanos:
Guess that would mean actual lawsuits and even jail time today,

Please find me people who have gone to jail for waving a confederate flag.

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