What is wokeness? Well, this old gem would successfully get Tom Petty cancelled if he were still alive today, just like ancient tweets from the early '10's have resulted in dogma-dictated punishment for other transgressors. The lyrics are just wrong, being about a Southern boy that doesn't hate the place he was born in for it's unforgivable sins, about being "born a rebel" instead of the nonsensical "oh god, oh god, I'm so sorry for how bad we/I hurt you, never forgive us we'll never ever deserve it" sort of tripe that would be demanded today.....
Also, back in the day, Tom would wave a Confederate flag on stage for this and some of his other songs. Guess that would mean actual lawsuits and even jail time today, not just cancellation for getting into major trouble with the the uptights in the self-righteous pudding gang that's taken over all of contemporary discourse.