Demian_164 Demian_164:
he belongs in jail because you cant un-incdoctrinate someone? what the hell does that even mean? somone can be an indoctrinated marxist...should they go to jail for that? what about nazis after WWII that america and USSR were more than happy to use to their benefit?
Indoctrination isn't something that can be undone. You're confusing supporters with the indoctrinated. There were lots of ex-Nazis but the reason they were ex-Nazis is they were never indoctrinated. Those who were died Nazis.
Demian Demian:
he should go to jail if he is found guilty in a fair trial.
His defence does not contest the actus reus of this offence. Since the mens rea is indoctrination to the cause of jihad, he belongs in jail forever on the grounds of segregation. He'll always be dangerous because he'll always be a jihadist.